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12y ago

James the first of England who was also James the sixth of Scotland

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14y ago

King James 1

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Ernestas the kinky nickers

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11y ago

King James the I of England and Scotland

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yes, along with the houses of parliament

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James 1

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Q: Was Guy Fawkes really trying to blow up the king?
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What was Guy Fawkes's reason for trying to blow up the houses of parliament?

He wanted to kill King James I, a much hated king.

Why do you do guy Fawkes?

Because he tried to blow up parliament and the king

Why is Guy Fawkes famous and why do you celebrate Guy Fawkes?

Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the House of Lords. The British celebrate that King James I was not killed by lighting bonfires.

What religion did guy Fawkes practice?

he practiced catholicism which is why he tried to blow up the protestant king

Which inn did guy Fawkes meet at to blow up the king?

The inn was called 'The Duck and Drake'.

What was the king that guy forks tried to blow up?

Guy Fawkes attempted to assassinate King James the first... but failed and was executed for treason.

who king was ruling at the time when guy Fawkes try to blow up house of parliament?

The king at the time was James I (James VI of Scotland).

Who betrayed guy Fawkes?

The main leader of the group that plotted to blow up the king, was Robert Catesby

Why do the Irish not celebrate Bonfire night?

The people of Eire are not members of the British Union which is made of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Therefore the actions of Guido Fawkes in trying to blow up the English king had no relevance for them.

Did Guy Fawkes kill the king JamesI?

No, he was caught out by one of the King's men hours before he was about to light the gunpowder. One of the plotters sent a letter to the King informing him of the plot. Guy Fawkes was then hanged, drawn and quartered

What is Bonfire night November 5th a celebration of?

The night Guy Fawkes and other christians attempted to blow up the houses of parliament on its opening to blow up the king who treated christians bad.

Who was caught red handed trying to blow up parliament in 1605?

Guy Fawkes did not succeed in blowing up Parliament, but he was the one who attempted to do so in 1605. He was part of the Gunpowder Plot, which was an attempt by a group of Catholic extremists to assassinate King James I of England, his family, and most of the Protestant aristocracy in one hit by blowing up the Houses of Parliament during the State Opening.