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Q: Which is not a type of leukocyte erythocyte monocyte or basophil?
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Which type of leukocyte contains heparin and anticoagulant?

Basophil is the type of leukocyte that contains heparin and is an anticoagulant. The type of leukocytes that become macrophages in the tissues are monocytes.

What is the type of leukocyte responsible for the red swollen condition in inflamed tissue?

Basophil :)

ARE Macrophages lymphocytes?

The type of leukocyte that becomes a macrophage is a monocyte. Macrophages are cells that digest cellular debris and pathogens.

Which is the most common type of white blood cell?

Neutrophils are the most common leukocyte in a blood sample, making up approximately 54--62%. Never Let Monkeys Eat Banana's - Neutrophil Lymphocyte Monocyte Eosinophil Basophil

What is a monoctye?

A monocyte is a specific type of leukocyte (white blood cell) that picks up debris and other waste in the body. It develops into macrophages and "eats" the bad substances that have entered the body. It is the third most common WBC in the body.

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Type of leukocyte?


What is the type of agranular leukocyte that has a kidney-shaped nucleus?

Most likely a metamyelocyte or monocyte.. Of course, "Kidney-bean-shaped" is a pretty broad description, and many cells could have that vague appearance on a slide. Most commonly that description is associated with metamyelocytes, which are immature Granulocytes (Segs, Eos, and Basos). However, if the question was in reference to a fully matured WBC, it likely would be a monocyte. If you are trying to tell them apart, remember monocytes (like lymphs) are not Granulocytes, and should not have cytoplasmic granules. A meta will (usually) have granules.

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What type of cell is a leukocyte?

Basophils, Eosinophils,& Neutrophils (BEN)

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