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As the Megalodon is an extinct species of shark that existed during the Cenozoic Era, I would say that the Megalodon is very much rarer than our present day Whale Shark.

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Q: Which is more rare the whale shark or the megalodon?
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What is the biggest whale shark?

the whale shark is the biggest whale shark

What is the hybrid of a shark and whale?

the hybrid is the whale shark. it is a rare shark and is harmless. the whale shark is very curious with humans. the whale shark is seasonal the biggest shark in the ocean and can have hundreds of babies that are born 60 centimeters.

Is a megalodon the largest shark?

Yes it is. There were sightings of another really big shark called the sleeping shark,(which is really rare), but that was a long time ago.

Which is bigger a whale shark or Greenland Shark?

No the biggest a Greenland shark grows 5 meters where as a great white can grow 6 meters in length

is a megalodion shark?

There are no shark species with that name. I guess you were asking if the are MEGALODON sharks; in this case, the answer is afirmative. C. Megalodon was the largest known shark ever, and it is belived to be very recently extinct (in geological time scale). We have a large fossil register, mostly teeth but also some rare vertebral centra, which is made of a very hard cartilage. The oldest fossils of Megalodon are teeth dated from the late Oligocene (about 30-28 milions of years ago), and the more recent fossils are only one and a half million years old.

Is the great white shark the biggest shark ever?

No, the largest shark alive today is the whale shark followed by the basking shark. However, the largest shark to ever live was the megalodon which reached lengths of 55-65 feet. They went extinct 1.5 million years ago.

Are whale sharks rare?

yes. Whale sharks are very rare.

What monster shark is not dangerous to people?

None, they are all out to kill, if you encounter one it will kill you. It will hurt, and you will bleed, a slow and painful death.ANSWERSharks do not seek out and kill humans. Occasionally some sharks, such as the great white shark, attack humans because they mistake them for their preferred prey (seals in the case of the great white). Shark attacks are relatively rare, although I don't advise going up close with most species of shark without a professional. Most species of large sharks have been known to attack humans occasionally, although the whale shark (the largest species of shark in the world) are not known to have ever purposefully attacked a human, although an accidental blow from its tail could be dangerous.

What shark is the common shark fossils?

Only the teeth are found , because a sharks skeleton is made out of cartilage. This results in poor to no fossilization of their skeletons and therefore is rarely found. I hope this is a sufficient answer.

What type of shark starts with M?

Megamouth shark is a rare shark species. It is a deepwater shark.

Does shark have chewing teeth?

No, Sharks don't gnaw or chew, the sharks teeth are for cutting, some species of shark have serrated teeth for an even more effective cutting action. Also, really old shark have no means of obtaining dentures which is basically a death sentence unless they switch to vegetarian diet, but this is a rare shark indeed.

When did the megalodon exist?

The first fossil register of C. megalodon is from the Late Oligocene, Rupelian stage, about 28 My ago.The last confirmed evidence of a living megalodon is a fossil tooth, dated aprox. 1.5 million years, during the Calabrian stage of the Pleistocene epoch, in the present Quaternary era.This monstruous shark species (the largest shark paleontologists belive have ever existed in the oceans) was an extremely successful species, living as an apex predatorfor almost 30 million years, a very rare occurence in life evolution on Earth.Species (either marine or dry land), in average, become extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance.This is specially true when we are dealing with apex predators in the top of the food chain, which are usually more vulnerable to climate changes and food supply than other species.