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Mass that funnily enough is constant - the term is used when an object or two object change or interact energy or force, but the mass of the system or part of it is the same before and after the change/interaction.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Well mas is not constant everytime my frend dude if a body which has a moving with a speed of light or more than it..................its mass will change every second it was proved long time back and u know that..................thats why no scientist is able to calculate the mass of light but they were able to calculate its speed.................according to einstein......if a body attends a speed of light,,,,,,that body will be converted to energy and u know energy is never constant coz when u r reading this answer u r transforming your energy..............................................

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11y ago

'Heating to constant mass' meaning to heat a substance (usually a powder or crystals) until the mass of the substance remains constant/the same. this is done in quanatative chemistry when the mass is weighed, then heated and measured again after 5-10mins and repeated until the mass doesn't change.

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14y ago

Normally, mass is perfectly constant. This corresponds with the law of conservation of mass. However, when your mass is emitting certain types of radiation, there is loss of mass equal to the amount of energy released divided by the speed of light squared. This is Einstein's famous E=MC2 ( M=E/C2 might be more appropriate in this case).

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12y ago

I think you mean Laviosier's law(Conservation of Mass)

The mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of products...

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8y ago

Mass is constant. Weight varies with gravitational force.

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14y ago

The mass of an object is (more or less) constant; weight will change depending on the gravitation.

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