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Q: Which historical period was idealized by romanticism?
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What are the highlight of romantic period?

Early period of romanticism, Full-flowering of romaticism, transition period of romanticism, realism of romanticism

In which school of thought and period of literature were emotion and imagination considered more important than reason?


What are the causes of Romanticism?

the French Revolution helped to start the period of Romanticism. Also the Industrial Revolution helped to move the Romantic period forward.

Dose realism and romanticism have the same deffinetion?

No, realism and romanticism are two distinct artistic movements with different characteristics. Realism focuses on depicting the everyday life and experiences of ordinary people with accuracy and detail, while romanticism emphasizes emotions, imagination, and idealized nature.

When was Jane Austen's artisic period?

Mainly Romanticism.

Can you give me a sentences with the word romanticism in it?

The literary period of Romanticism was a time in history when many beautiful books and plays were written.

Emily Dickinson is associated with the literary period called .?


What emerged as reaction to romanticism of Hugo?

Realism emerged as a reaction to the romanticism of Victor Hugo. Realism focused on portraying everyday life and ordinary people in a realistic and objective manner, in contrast to the emotional and idealized themes of romanticism. The realist movement sought to depict the harsh realities of society and human nature.

In which school of thought and period of literature are emotion and imagination considered more important than reason?

romanticism because i am a dog

Which historical development helped to cause the shift from romanticism to realism?

The expansion of industrialization

In which century did romanticism start?

The Romanticism period of art began at the end of the 18th century. It continued throughout the first half of the 19th century. This period focused on awe, fear, and wonder of the world and its mysteries rather than the colder, more logical Renaissance period.

The chronological relationship between Neoclassicism and Romanticism in English literary history?

The Neoclassical period of English literature, also known as the Long 18th Century, began in 1660 and ended in 1789 CE. The Romanticism period of English literature began in 1798 and ended in 1832 CE.