

Which elements in the periodic table are radioactive?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Tc - 43 - Technetium

Pm - 61 - Promethium

Po - 84 - Polonium

At - 85 - Astatine

Rn - 86 - Radon

Fr - 87 - Francium

Ra - 88 - Radium

Ac - 89 - Actinium

Th - 90 - Thorium

Pa - 91 - Protactinium

U - 92 - Uranium

Np - 93 - Neptunium

Pu - 94 - Plutonium

Am - 95 - Americium

Cm - 96 - Curium

Bk - 97 - Berkelium

Cf - 98 - Californium

Es - 99 - Einsteinium

Fm - 100 - Fermium

Md - 101 - Mendelevium

No - 102 - Nobelium

Lr - 103 - Lawrencium

Rf - 104 - Rutherfordium

Db - 105 - Dubnium

Sg - 106 - Seaborgium

Bh - 107 - Bohrium

Hs - 108 - Hassium

Mt - 109 - Meitnerium

Ds - 110 - Darmstatium

Rg - 111 - Roentgenium

Cn - 112 - Copernicium

Uut - 113 - Ununtrium

Uuq - 114 - Ununquadium

Uup - 115 - Ununpentium

Uuh - 116 - Ununhexium

Uus - 117 - Ununseptium

Uuo - 118 - Ununnoctium


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it was found in 1896. you can not find them on the periodic table. you may find some, but often some are.