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Neoclassicism was first seen in the 1780s, Romanticism after 1800.

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Q: Which came first Neoclassicism or Romanticism?
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What was the literary era that preceded Romanticism in English literary history?

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The chronological relationship between Neoclassicism and Romanticism in English literary history?

The Neoclassical period of English literature, also known as the Long 18th Century, began in 1660 and ended in 1789 CE. The Romanticism period of English literature began in 1798 and ended in 1832 CE.

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There are various things that are believed to have influenced Romanticism. Some of these factors include religious traditions and Neoclassicism.

What best states the chronological relationship between neoclassism and romanticism in English literacy history?

Neoclassicism emerged in the late 17th century as a reaction against the excessive ornamentation of the Baroque period. Romanticism followed in the late 18th century and early 19th century as a rebellion against the rationality of neoclassical ideals, focusing more on emotion, individualism, and the natural world.

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Rococo, which is 18th century.

What was before neoclassicism?

what came before neo classicism