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Antihypertensive drugs, used to treat high blood pressure (typically diuretics and/or beta-blockers) may be producing the very thing they are trying to prevent, A Heart Attack. Which may lead to Cardiovascular disease.

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11y ago

Because cholesterol is, in a nutshell, FAT. If you have high cholesterol, you have large amounts of fat, and it gets difficult for your heart to pump the needed amount of blood cells into the rest of your body, and it weakens.

[Actually, cholesterol comes from animal fat. There are two kinds: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL or "bad" cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good" cholesterol.) When there is too much of LDL, hardening of the arteries occurs. The walls of these blood vessels thicken due to deposits of fat and plaque. This narrowing or blockage of the arteries causes Heart disease. Some heart-disease risks you're born with. Some you can avoid. The risk factors for heart disease: smoking, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, obesity, physical inactivity, and Diabetes. HDL actually works to clear cholesterol from the blood.

Triglycerides are another fat in the bloodstream. Research has shown that high levels of them can also lead to heart disease. High levels of HDL and low levels of LDL and Triglycerides are the ideal for preventing heart disease.]

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13y ago

if you have high blood cholesterol, there are greater chances that you form cholesterol plaques in your blood vessels and may develop atherosclerosis.. it is a condition where your blood vessels harden because of cholesterol deposits and it also narrows the lumen of your blood vessels.. it can block blood going to your heart causing myocardial infarction or heart attack because of decreased amount of oxygen in the heart.. cholesterol deposits may also get unloged from your blood vessels and travel in to your system and may block somewhere else.. which causes stroke..

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13y ago

High cholesterol can accumulate on the walls of arteries, causing them to become narrow. This may cause atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries. This in turn can cause high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attacks.

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13y ago

Cardiovascular disease is multifactorial. Cholesterol is one factor which is correlated with coronary artery disease, via the process of contributing to plaque formation in the arteries and narrowing of the arteries, sometimes to the point of blockage.

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12y ago

Cholesterol levels are significantly associated with the risk of developing heart disease currently or in the future. An excess amount of "bad" cholesterol in the body contributes to the buildup of plaque along the arteries which ultimately limits optimal flow of blood to the heart. Cholesterol testing is frequently done as part of a preventative physical examination and the blood results provide vital information regarding a patient's low density lipoprotein level or LDL, and their high density lipoprotein or HDL. The LDL reading is considered "bad" cholesterol with higher levels indicating increased risk of heart disease while HDL levels reflect "good" cholesterol with higher levels providing greater health benefits.

Many factors impact cholesterol levels including diet, exercise, diabetes, genetics and age. Saturated fat is recognized for contributing to an increased cholesterol level whereas consistently engaging in at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily helps lower LDL levels and raise HDL cholesterol. In preparation for a lipid profile a patient should aim to fast for nine to 12 hours prior to the test in order for results to be the most accurate. Medical professionals recommend keeping overall cholesterol readings at 200 or below which accounts for LDL and HDL cholesterol as well as additional lipids measurable in the blood. A level of 240 and above indicates high blood cholesterol and double the risk of coronary disease. Cholesterol is measured as milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL) in the blood.

Levels of LDL cholesterol are optimal for health when under 100, although readings up to 129 are considered lower risk of developing complications. LDL levels 130 and above are of concern to primary care physicians with any LDL cholesterol level reported over 190 considered very high. Conversely, higher HDL levels are desirable with numbers greater than 60 associated with the lowest risk of heart disease and readings below 40 for males and 50 for females indicating a greater risk of developing health problems. Cholesterol is manageable through lifestyle and dietary changes for many although patients with a hereditary predisposition to unhealthy cholesterol levels may need to incorporate drug therapy in order to effectively treat the condition.

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6y ago

high cholesterol cause cardiovascular disease.

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