

Which WikiAnswers category has the most supervisors?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The "Math" category with eight Supervisors.

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Q: Which WikiAnswers category has the most supervisors?
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Who is the supervisor of the 'Questions about WikiAnswers' category?

The supervisors for the 'Questions about WikiAnswers' category are Kamuna and Dino10.

Are category Supervisors restricted to supervising only their categories on WikiAnswers?

No, not in the least. All WikiAnswers Supervisors have the same influence in every category. Category Supervisors usually spend more time in their respective categories, but are in no way restricted to where they can contribute.

What does it mean if you are a category supervisor on WikiAnswers?

It means that you are in charge of a certain category that you are skilled at. Most of these supervisors are highly skilled people.

How do you supervise an already supervised category on WikiAnswers?

There are often multiple supervisors for a given category so that is not a problem.

If a supervisor on WikiAnswers is not active then what happens to that category?

Nothing happens to the category. Usually, there are other Supervisors for that category that may be online, while there is non-supers helping with the category.

What is the meaning of uncategorized supervisor?

Uncategorized supervisor could mean, a supervisor for the uncategorized section, or a floating supervisor, which floats around to different categorizes and supervises them.A supervisor who handles that category on

What time commitment is there for a Category Supervisor?

There are no time commitments for supervisors on WikiAnswers! Supervisors are volunteers and are encouraged to enjoy whatever they do and have fun on the site without having a minimum amount of time that must be spent on WikiAnswers!

Who is the most trusted on WikiAnswers?

senior supervisors are the most trusted.

What super powers do senior supervisors have on WikiAnswers that category or floating supervisors don't?

Being a Senior Supervisor, in and of itself, does not give a volunteer supervisor any special capabilities.

How many senior supervisors are there on WikiAnswers as of April 2012?

There are currently 31 Senior Supervisors in the Super community. You can find their names attached to the top level categories on the category tree.

Do non-Supervisors on WikiAnswers have a WikiAnswers email address?

No; non-Supervisors do not have an email address on WikiAnswers.

What should you do if a question asks for alternatives for accessing a blocked website in school on WikiAnswers?

Put it in the "Bypassing Blocked Websites" category. For Supervisors, just trash it (to the mentioned category).