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Q: Which European countries did the federalist foreign policy support?
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Which European country did federalist foreign policy support?


Which European country did the foreign policy support?


The US offers foreign aid mostly to support struggling democracies and countries that are critical to foreign policy objectives True Or False?

The US offers foreign aid mostly to support struggling democracies and countries that are critical to foreign policy objectives is true.

What European countries provided support to the Americans?

Most West European countries are allies of the Americans through NATO.

Why did the foreign countries support the American Revolution?

The foreign monarchies didn't so much as support the American cause. They really just wanted to hurt Great Britain.

When did the foreign countries support the American cause?

Following the American victory at Saratoga in 1777…

What support did the patriots receive from foreign countries?

money, supplies, and troops to helped the patriots.

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What did the federalist support?

The federalist supported the Constitution and the anti-federalist supported the Articles of confederation

What does the federalist support?

The federalist party supports federal government involvement and help.

How did European countries attempt to use their colonies for postwar reconstruction?

They heavily taxed Africans living in colonies to support European industries.

Why did the European countries join alliances?

All of these answers are good ones. Alliances are made for support.