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Radium exist in very small concentrations in uranium ores. It was first discovered in uranium minerals from Joachimsthal, North Bohemia (now Jachymov in the Czech Republic) by Marie Curie, Pierre Curie and Gustave Bemont (1898).

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Q: Where was radium found on earth?
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Is radium found usually in a compound or in pure form?

Radium is usually found in compounds. Since it is an alkaline earth metal it is to reactive to exist in its elemental states in most environments, and especially in Earth's oxidizing atmosphere.

Is radium a metalloid?

No, radium is an alkaline earth metal .

What state is radium?

Radium is a solid alkaline earth metal.

Is radium a metal or a nonmetal?

Radium is an alkaline earth metal.

Which family is the element Radium in?

Radium is in the alkaline earth metals.

Is radium located in the atmosphere hydrosphere or lithosphere?

Radium is a highly radioactive alkali earth metal, and it can be found in trace amounts in some water sources and in some soil or rock samples. That means this stuff isn't found in the atmosphere. (It may be in some dust, but not likely.) But it will be found in some places in the lithosphere (the ground or the earth) or the hydrosphere (the water). Radium is associated with the radioactive decay of uranium, so where traces or deposits of uranium ore are found, this stuff will be around. A link to the Wikipedia article on radium is provided.

What is the abundance of radium in the earth's crust?

The abundance of radium in the earth crust is 9.10-10 mg/kg.

Were is radium found?


What is the alkaline earth metal?


What is radium at room temperature?

Radium is a solid alkaline earth metal at room temperature.

What are the phases of radium?

Radium is a natural chemical element, solid, alkaline earth metal.

Is Radium a metal nonmetal or a metalloid?

Radon is a non-metal, an element. It belongs to group 18 and period 6 on the periodic table.