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Q: Where should your arm lay on your follow through in baseball?
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What direction should your arms follow through when striking the volleyball?

Your arms should follow through parallel to you body. (Assume right handed) Your left arm should pull down from in front and above your head before contact, with your right arm swinging through along a similar path in front for contact. Arm path should be an 'over the top' and not an an angle.

What muscles do you use when throwing a ball underhanded?

Let's break down the arm through the pitch Just an overview of the muscles: Holding the ball - fingers, wrist, forearm extension of arm- triceps raising the arm - shoulders arm going down - back muscles follow through - biceps wrist snap - fore arms

What does ''follow-through mean in archery and why is it important?

The follow-through is what comes immediately after the release and is a combination of actions that you, the archer, do until the arrow hits the target. After your hand has come back from the release, as only one example, your bow arm should stay up and pointing at the target until the arrow has hit. It is important, because if you just drop your bow arm before the arrow has cleared -- gotten past -- the bow, it will cause the arrow to hit low on the target.

What does follow through mean in archery and why is it important?

The follow-through is what comes immediately after the release and is a combination of actions that you, the archer, do until the arrow hits the target. After your hand has come back from the release, as only one example, your bow arm should stay up and pointing at the target until the arrow has hit. It is important, because if you just drop your bow arm before the arrow has cleared -- gotten past -- the bow, it will cause the arrow to hit low on the target.

How do you get your boyfriend to put his arm around you and you've talked about putting your arm around each other a lot but he won't follow through and you don't want to do it?

1 put ur arm on him and he will feel pressured 2 do the same 2 sit by him when he is tired put his arm around u

How do you remove a clutch cable on a Honda sl 70?

Where that arm is if you push the cable into that arm there should be a small slot that the actual cable will slid through

What kind of force is in a baseball pitcher's arm?

right arm

If one were to injure one's arm what should be done?

There are some initial steps one can take for an injury to the arm. The arm should be kept stable, through the use of a sling if possible. An ice pack could be applied to reduce the swelling and then the patient should attend the nearest accident & emergency department.

What part of the body should ondansetron injection be given to?

The part of the body that an Ondansetron injection should be given to is the arm. Ondansetron is a liquid that is fed intravenously through the veins. It can also be injected in the muscle which typically will be injected in the arm.

What is meant by follow through in bowling?

"Follow through" is the last part of the approach. It starts from when you release the and continues you stop moving. It is important because it gives your ball the best chance to hit your make and allows for maximum control of revolutions/rotation on the ball. In short it is one of the tools used to give you the best accuracy for scoring.

How Do you Smack your wife?

Step 1: Open your hand. May be right or left. Depending on your style. Step 2: Raise arm up in the air. High. Step 3: Bring arm downward quickly with great force towards your wife's ugly face. Step 4: Follow through with the smack. If you want a good, complete smack you must follow through. Step 5: Repeat steps 1-4

Blood coming through an arm cast?

If blood is coming through an arm cast, it could indicate a serious problem such as a deep cut or a broken blood vessel. It is important to seek immediate medical attention to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment to prevent further complications or infection.