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it was made somwhere of course

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Q: Where is tonic water made?
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Related questions

Are there carbs in tonic water?

Yes, in naturally sweetened tonic water. No, in artificially sweetened tonic water.

Does tonic water contain yeast?

Tonic Water In Fact is non- alcoholic. It can be when mixed with alcoholic mixes such as vodka,wine,or beer. Tonic Water is not water made really for drinking plainly purposes. It is made to be mixed with alcoholic beverages. Hope this answered your question?

Can you eat glow in the dark jello yes or no?

Yes it can be made to glow if you use tonic water. Use half tonic water and half water and our jello will glow!

Can you buy tonic water in Russia?

Yes, Tonic water is available in Russia. Tonic water is available in a large percentage of countries.

What makes tonic water glow?

The ingredient in tonic water that makes it taste like tonic water - quinine - is the cause. Because of its molecular structure, it will fluoresce blue in sunlight and positively glow under a black light.

What are the correct spellings of Schweppes tonic water?

The correct spelling is Schweppes Tonic Water. There are many people that also refer to the product as Schweppes Indian Tonic Water.

Can tonic water make you test positive for cocaine?

It can, but you'd have to drink a LOT of tonic water to do it.

Is Tonic water acidic?

Yes, tonic water has a pH around 4, so it is acidic.

What is Gin with water in it?

Diluted Gin? That question does make any sense. If you mean What is Gin with tonic water then it is called a Gin and Tonic. Gin with tonic water and a lime slice with ice.

What Drinks are made with tonic water?

Tonic water used to contain a lot of quinine (bitter), which is used to prevent disease like malaria and fever. Nowadays, it's just a sweetened carbonated drink with relatively little quinine compared to before. It kind of tastes like grapefruit.

Is Schweppes tonic water alcoholic?

No - tonic water is used as a 'mixer' in alcoholic drinks to add volume. There is no alcohol in tonic water - it's simply water with carbon-dioxide gas added (which is why it's fizzy)

What drink is made from juniper berries?

For those who enjoy gin and tonics, a juniper and tonic is a non-alcoholic drink option. This drink is made from juniper berries, tonic water, lime juice, and lime slices for garnish.