

Where does a koi fish tattoo should go?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Where does a koi fish tattoo should go?
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Where can i find tattoo designs of koi fish and koi dragons?

You can go to and search through images. There are lots of pictures of tattoos.

Where in London can one go to have a tattoo of koi fish?

There are dozens of tattoo parlors located all across London, though they have different areas of expertise and some may not be able to tattoo a koi. Your best bet is to find a parlor near you, and then ask them over the phone if they are able to perform this specific tattoo.

What can go with a koi fish tattoo?

depending on where it is, you can put a dragon above it as in Japanese mythology a koi is a baby dragon that transforms once it makes it up a stream (I can't remember which particular stream)

What directions do koi fish swim?

Anything with a face should be looking inward and almost never outwards, and with Koi, they ALWAYS go upstream and never downstream.

How do you tattoo a fish?

you go to the tattoo shop and get it tatted.

Flowers to go with koi tattoo?

Any popular Japanese or water flowers. Cherry blossoms are probably the most popular to go with koi tattoos. Lotus flowers are also popular. although to expand on this answer koi fish normally swim upstream in the fall/winter and those seasons are represented by maple leaves and Chrysanthemums, cherry blossoms and peonies represent spring and summer which is often protrayed with a dragon

Should a koi fish tattoo go on your calf or forearm?

Here are opinions and answers from FAQ Farmers: * I have a friend that has one that stretches all the way down his left side, so you can get one anywhere. * According to Japanese legend if a koi succeeded in climbing the falls at a point called Dragon Gate on the Yellow River it would be transformed into a dragon. Based on that legend, it became a symbol of worldly aspiration and advancement. More generally, the Japanese associate koi (also known as carp) with perserverance in adversity and strength of purpose. Because of its strength and determination to overcome obstacles, it stands for courage and the ability to attain high goals. Others say it means good fortune or luck. * The Koi Fish is symbolic in the Buddhist religion, representing courage. Humans 'swim' through the 'ocean of suffering' without fear, just like a fish swims through water. So it really does not matter as long as that's where you want it, although I tend to see a lot of them on the forearm, but maybe that's because most people wear pants.

Where can you get koi for mysims kingdom wii?

You can find Kois ( their fish) in the forest of the elves when you look in the map you can see a lake and a fish that's where you go.

How do you catch the koi on mini ninjas?

To catch the koi fish you must go to the inventory and select the fishing rod the you assign it as the item you are using. for the xbox 360 you press the right trigger once it is in the water near a fish pres x very quickly it will the catch the fish.

Where do you go to get a koi in my sims kingdom?

go to forest of the elves ( or unicorn i cant remember ) andthere's a pond near a stage fish in it

Are you allowed to go in the ocean after having a tattoo?

You should not go into the ocean right after you've gotten a tattoo. This could cause the tattoo to not set properly.

What does a koi dragon tattoo symbolize?

Koi Dragon TattooThe koi fish in Japanese folklore represents the overcoming of obstacles, because the koi fish travels up the yellow river and when it comes to the end of the river it transforms into the dragon; thus overcoming the adversity represented by the strong river to fufill its own destiny.The Koi is the symbol of strength and will, the will to go against odds to reach the destiny. And the Dragon is the power and ferocity. The mystery and Aura.The Koi Dragon is all about a re birth or new start/ begining. I.e. After a divorce/ bereavement signalling a new chapter in a strong willed persons lifrte. Thus enabling them to move on and start afresh.Edit: Most of this is correct except actually it is a waterfall that a Koi climbs. Not a river. For the waterfall represents challenge in life. If the koi can manage to climb said waterfall he will become a dragon. Another words if one is able to overcome obstacles/challenges they will be greater for it