

Best Answer

To answer that question we need to look at some relevant facts.

-GW was a swaggering, shallow idiot who barely understood his duties.

-GW totally ignored the Clinton warnings about the specter of looming terrorism and of Osama bin Laden's determination to strike the US.

-GW blatantly lied to us and the rest of the world over the matter of WMDs and Iraq's connections with Al Qaeda.

-GW dragged the USA, and many other countries, into 2 pointless and ultimately un-winnable wars.

-GW allowed Osama Bin Laden to escape, then forgot about him for 6 years while he turned his attention to invading Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11.

-Under the cover of the flag and patriotism, GW brought in the most draconian and restrictive laws ever enacted - laws we are still stuck with, laws that ignore or override rights guaranteed by the constitution and the Bill of Rights.

-GW served two four year terms, almost a third of which (over 2 years!) consisted of vacations at his ranch in Crawford Texas or at Camp David.

-GW spent the budget surplus that Clinton took years to generate (after paying off massive deficits created by Reagan and GWH Bush) and squandered it on pointless wars and massive payments to fat-cat contractors, many of whom are connected to vice-president Cheney.

-GW's financial policies of deregulation and letting his fat-cat buddies slurp at the public/war trough, took what was a hard-won government surplus and turned it into a financial meltdown. When the financial s**t hit the fan in the final months of his presidency, did GW try to bail out the millions of homeowners suffering because of institutionalized pillage of the money supply? No, he bailed out the robber barons, the Lords of the Toxic Swaps, none of whom has served a day in jail and all of whom are back to enjoying multi-million dollar bonuses.

So, to answer the question, Where does G W Bush rate as a president?

-The answer is at the very bottom of the ratings.

-The worst president ever.

-The president responsible for the pointless deaths and maiming of tens of thousands of American and allied soldiers sent to fight a pointless war in Iraq.

-The man who squandered America's fortune while he swaggered around the deck of an aircraft carrier

-The president who disgraced America in the eyes of the rest of the world.

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