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The seeds of the onion are located on the dried flower stalk. When you plant onion "starts", and if you leave them in the ground long enough they will send up a flower stalk. That's where the seeds are.

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16y ago
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15y ago

If you mean where do they grow on the plant, then they form on a seed head at the top of a stalk which grows up from the center of an onion (what you sometimes see beginning to grow inside an onion that has been in your cupboard too long).

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13y ago

Potato dont have seeds they have eyes

an eye is where a sprout will grow out of the potato and another will grow


Yes the eye will give you another potato exactly like it's parent. The Seed will appear on th haulm and may or may not produce a worthwhile spud.

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14y ago

The potato in a way is the 'seed'. The small root like things or 'eyes' that you will see grow on a potato if you leave it untouched for a while, those are what cause a plant to grow. When i grew potatoes i would find the type i wanted at the shops and buy a bag of them. Then leave the potatoes until the 'eyes' started to grow on it. Then put the entire potato in the ground.

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7y ago

Onions may be grown from seed (which are produced in a flower in the same way as most seeds are made) or, more commonly today, from sets started from seed the previous year. Onion sets are produced by sowing seed very thickly one year, resulting in stunted plants that produce very small bulbs. These bulbs are very easy to set out and grow into mature bulbs the following year, but they have the reputation of producing a less durable bulb than onions grown directly from seed and thinned.

Seed-bearing onions are day-length sensitive; their bulbs begin growing only after the number of daylight hours has surpassed some minimal quantity. Most traditional European onions are what is referred to as "long-day" onions, producing bulbs only after 15+ hours of daylight occur. Southern European and North African varieties are often known as "intermediate day" types, requiring only 12--13 hours of daylight to stimulate bulb formation. Finally, "short-day" onions, which have been developed in more recent times, are planted in mild-winter areas in the fall and form bulbs in the early spring, and require only 9--10 hours of sunlight to stimulate bulb formation.

Either planting method may be used to produce spring onions or green onions, which are the leaves of immature plants. Green onion is a name also used to refer to another species, Allium fistulosum, the Welsh onion, which is said not to produce dry bulbs.

The tree onion produces bulbs instead of flowers and seeds, which can be planted directly in the ground. (Sourcewikipedia)

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10y ago

No the onion is a salad vegetable that is grown from an onion seed.

The a seed foms a root which grows to form a bulb. Bulbs then will sprout green shoots which then flower and these flowers die off to produce seeds. The seeds are normally very small and black in colour

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11y ago

Yes, the common onion (Allium cepa) is typically grown from seeds. Some onions however, such as the tree onion, are grown from bulbs.

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14y ago

An onion is a bulb that grows and produces seeds, which may be planted to grow more onions.

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13y ago

the seeds are in the fruit.

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Q: Where are the seeds located on a potato?
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well think about real life the potato is the seed just right hand click a potato on tilled soil and it will grow