

Where did John Adams marry Abigial Adams?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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John Adams and Abigail Smith were married in her parents' home in Weymouth Massachusetts.

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Q: Where did John Adams marry Abigial Adams?
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When did John Adams marry abigial Adams?

John Adams and Abigail Smith were married on October 25, 1764. Abigail's father, Reverend Smith, officiated in the ceremony.

Who was abigial Adams?

Abigial Adams was the second first lady of United States. She was married to America's first vice-president and second president John Adams.

Why is abigial Adams famous?

She was married to John Adams and was the second first lady of the U.S.A.

What were the names of John and Abigial Adams daughters?

Abigail, Susanna and Elizabeth

Who wrote letters to your husband and was a sharp observer of the political scene?

Abigail Adams. John adams' wife.

Where did abigial Adams Live?

She grew up in Weymouth, Massachusetts. After she married John Adams, she lived with him in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Where was abigial Adams born?

Weymouth, Massachusetts

What are Abigial Adams's famous words?

"Don't forget the women." This was spoken to John Adams before he went to the Constitutional Convention. As expected he promptly forgot about the women.

Did John Adams Mary?

If by John Adams, you are referring to our nation's second president, then yes, he did marry. John Adams was married to Abigail Adams.

What school did Abigial Adams kids go to?

they were homeschooled by abigail herself

What year did John Adams marry Abigail Adams?


Who did Abigail Adams marry?

Abigail Adams married to John Adams in October 25, 1764