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Kush was a country in what is now mostly Egypt and Sudan, about 1000 BC. Some of the ancient Egyptian ideas can be traced to this culture.

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Q: Where can an example of Kushite culture be found?
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How was Kushite culture unlike from Egyptian culture?

Kushite developed their own written language called Meroitic.

Who had the most influence in Kushite culture?

Ancient Egyptian

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Why did many buildings in meroe resemble Egyptian bulidings?

Kushite culture was influenced by Egyptian culture

In what ways were the society and culture of kush unique?

The society and culture of kush were unique because many elements of kushite culture were not borrowed from anywhere else. For example, kushite daily life and houses were different from those in other places. The people of kush also developed their own written language, known today as meroitic. Unlike women in other early societies, kushite women were expected to be active in their society. Like kushite men, women worked long hours in the fields. They also raised children, cooked, and performed other household tasks.

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How where kushite and Egyptian culture similar?

Because they did the same cultures and activetes

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Kushite culture became more like Egyptian culture.

What was the effect of Egypt's conquest of Kush in 1500 BC?

Kushite culture became more like Egyptian culture.

What was the effect of Egypt conquest of kush in 1500 BC?

Kushite culture became more like Egyptian culture.

How did the Kushite kings demonstrate their admi- ration for Egyptian culture?

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3 example of Athenian influence found in western culture today?

3 example of Athenian influence found in western culture today are Hellenistic Age, Athens and Sparta and Aristotle.