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Other then in zoos, you would need the to go to the Keys during a specific time of year to see the wild flamingos. Due to Human encroachment and over population most wild flamingos are no longer in Florida like they once were.

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you find them in theme parks or in Miami usually

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Q: Where in Florida can you see live flamingos?
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Flamingos are not native to Florida and do not produce offspring. Most of the pink birds you see in Florida are Roseate Spoonbill.

What country do flamingos live in?

They live around the coasts and lakes of the south eastern US. Flamingos live next to shallow water. They eat algae, shrimp, and other creatures that live in shallow water.

Is there native Florida flamingos?

No there is not

Do Flamingos live with other Flamingos?

yes they live with other flamingos which is called a 'couple'.

Are flamingos native to Florida?

Apparently, flamingos once bred in the Everglades area of Florida, but they have since stopped. People still report seeing flamingos in southern Florida, but it is likely a similar looking bird known as a spoonbill.

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What type of climate do flamingos live in?

a flamingo biome fits in i don't know. you would look it up. put in the Florida biome and check the climate and see what biome fits in the biome.

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Crocs and flamingos do live together in some areas. The crocs however, will prey upon flamingos if they are able.

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Who do flamingos live with when they are older?

They usually move into your mom's basement. What do you think?!? They live with other flamingos!

Why do flamingos live in big bunches?

Flamingos live in big bunches so pretators won't get them!!!

Are there any flamingos in Illinois?

Flamingos only live in zoos in Illinois.