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It depends with the reason you were taking the hormone pills in the first place, if you were on them because you missed your periods and they were supposed to regulate them, its safe you only stick to those hormonal pills for the time being. Hormonal pills and Birth Control pills both contain synthetic versions of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone that work to change the way your natural body hormones work so that your body responds to normal functions; ovulation/ pregnancy. So since both of them are hormone changing pills, they have different functions which could mess up your body in a drastic and unhealthy way. So, see a doctor just to make sure if you can, just Incase the kinds of pills you are taking are not high in estrogen.

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Q: When you start your period do you stop taking the hormone pills and start taking birth control pills again?
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What if you stop taking birth control does it effect your period?

Yes it does. It takes a month or two before your cycle becomes normal again. If you had PMS before taking the pill it returns and your period may seem heavy for a time.

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Just a hormone imbalance. The simplest thing can throw your period out of whack. You can wait it out and see if things go regular again but if it keeps happening and you want it to stop the only thing a doctor will usually prescribe is hormone therapy (a low dose birth control pill).

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It can take a few weeks to 3 months.

What happens if you stop taking birth control and you have not had a period in over 2 years?

You have to see your doctor and should've done it a long time ago. He will give you medicine to make it start again after taking tests.

I started my period on Saturday and then started my first pack on Sunday the next day Am I suppose to be on my period again during the inactive days of the pill?

Yes. When you stop the hormone after week 3, your body will have a period again.

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No. But Antibiotics are known culprits to decrease the effectiveness of birth control pill. Because of this you need to rule out pregnancy and see your doctor for a blood test.

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You start taking the pill at the end of your period, and then, yes you will not have a period again until the break in the pill.

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999 times out of 1000 if you have a period you are not pregnant. Don't bother taking a test, save your money.

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Many answers, but many questions. how old are you? Bleeding may be fibroids Bleeding may be too low a dose a hormone in the pill you are taking Bleeding may be spontaneous abortion Worst Case... Bleeding may be cancer. Go to a doctor. speak with them.

If you stop taking birth control and you start again can you not get pregnant?

It may take a few months to be able to conceive again, although some get pregnant very shortly after stopping birth control use. The number of times you stop/start taking birth control does not matter.

If you go off birth control for the summer while you're home from college will it mess up your system in the fall when you start taking it again?

No, you should be fine as long as you start taking them again on the first day of your period before you go back so you are protected as soon as you go back. But what if you meet a guy at home?