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I have insurance paid for by my employer (primary) and through my husband's employer (secondary). In my experience, I have never had to pay the copay required by my primary because it is covered by my secondary. When I first got married, 2 years ago, I still paid the copay, but the doctor's office would always send me a check for the copay a month later because the secondary paid it.

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Q: When you have a primary and secondary insurance will the co-pay from your primary insurance be paid by the secondary insurance?
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Will Alabama medicaid pay a primary insurance copay?

Medicaid will pay the copay only if the amount of the copay added to whatever the primary insurance paid is less than or equal to what Medicaid would allow for that charge to begin with. Like charge of $50 for a visit, and the copay is $10 and the primary insurance paid $3 and Medicaid allows $15 for that particular code. Then Medicaid would pay $12.00 of it. This is highly unlikely, though.

When will secondary health insurance not pay?

if primary paid more than allowed amount or if patient has primary insurance

Can medicare be used for secondary insurance if the primary insurance is paid by your employer?

Medicare is primary if your group is under 20 lives. 20 lives or more and medicare is secondary to your employer paid group plan.

As a provider i file primary insurance. do I have to also file secondary insurance after primary pays?

You should or you customer WILL be PISSED for having to do the leg work of getting the information of what the primary paid and getting it to their secondary.

Can the secondary insurance provider deny a claim that was not filed with the primary insurance provider first?

Let me tell you what happend to me. I hope that this helps. I used to be covered by two insurance companies. My primary insurance company was through the company that I worked with. My secondary was with the company that my husband works with. When a claim was filed with my secondary insurance company they wanted to know how much my primary insurance company paid for and until then they would not pay anything. So I had to submit to my primary insurance company and once they paid some then the secondary would. I hope that this helped:) * Yes. A claim must always be made with the primary insurer first.

If you have the same insurance for your primary and secondary can you still end up with a balance you owe?

Having the same insurance company twice, as a primary and secondary, means you are paying twice for the same insurance policy. They probably will not cover the same thing twice, or they may treat it as two different policies and may treat it that way. If they were two different policies, The primary would deal with any deductible and copay before fulfilling its contractual obligation and so would the secondary policy depending on the wording of the contract. Unless there is no deductible and copay, or if one policy covers the deductible/copy of the other, there will still be a balance you owe. There is also the situation where your medical provider will not accept or fully participate in your insurance policy, in which case you may owe the difference between the doctors bling amount and what was paid by the insurance(s).

If Primary insurance paid more thatsecondary would allow. Is patient responsible for deductible and coinsurance?

Is the patient responsible for deductible and coinsurance if primary insurance paid more than secondary would have allowed.

Does the provider have to file primary insurance before filing secondary insurance?

Yes, and you want them to because if they are paid out of order then it will be a mess to correct.

What is Amount payable by insurance company for insurance?

This is the amount paid by the insurance company to the doctor. It is the negotiated rate less the amount that you paid in the form of a copay, a coinsurance, or a deductible.

If a child has primary and secondary medical insurance who settles the dispute when the primary decides the secondary should now be primary instead of secondary as they had been for several years now?

It's not at the discretion of the insurance company as to who is the primary or the secondary. It is the sole decision of the policy holder(you). They are a paid service and are there to serve you. Correction: No, it's not at the discretion of the policy holder. The primary coverage is based on who's birthday comes first. For example, in this particular case, the child lives with his mother and stepfather, and the stepfather and the biological father both have him on their medical insurance policies. The father's birthday is in October and the stepfather's birthday is in December. So the father's insurance is primary, and the stepfather's insurance is secondary. These are the quidelines insurance companies use to determine which one is primary, and which one is secondary.

How do dental secondary claims get paid. What is the process?

You wait until the primary claim is paid then send a copy of the payment along with the secondary claim form. The insurance company will figure out what is left to pay and send you a check.

Does your copay go towards your medical bill or is it just an extra charge?

Its insurance paid by the insured person each time a medical service is accessed.