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Only if our brains,memories & wallet Will alow it.

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Q: When will doctors strip your membranes?
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How do doctors strip membranes on pregnant women?

They put their finger round the opening to the uterus

When your at a physical exam are doctors supposed to strip down themselves?

I can think of no reason or know of any incidence where a doctor would strip during an examination.

What does mmm mean after a doctors name?

MMM most commonly stands for moist mucous membranes.

What is corioamnionitis?

I have had 2 premature babies. The doctors said that Coriaomnionitis is the leading cause of premature births in the united states. It is a bacteria that attacks the membranes in your womb causing prematurity.

Is a membrane a tissue?

There are four different membranes in the body that are related to tissue; cutaneous membranes, mucosal membranes, synovial membranes, and serous membranes.

What cells are found in membranes?

Membranes surround cells. There are no cells found in membranes. Membranes are composed mostly of lipids.

Membranes that secrete a liquid to remove pathogens are called what membranes?

Mucous membranes.

Why did doctors ask patients to strip to their underwear?

Doctors rarely make you take off all your clothes. However, there are certain diseases and ailments that need a full body examination before diagnosis and that may be the reason you have to take off all your clothes.

What are the flattened membranes I am chloroplasts called?

There are two membranes. Those are outer and inner membranes.

What anatomical class of membranes does parietal peritoneum belong to?

Serous membranes

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Which microbes have cell membranes?

Every microbe has cell membranes but only plants have plasma membranes...