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Q: When the conflict over abolition ended with the civil war what did demonstrators outside the white house was the one thing more that they needed?
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What did the demonstrators outside the white house say was the one thing more that they needed?

the right to vote

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president Kennedy became convinced that the nation needed a new civil rights law.

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The sugar plantation needed labor in abolition of slavery. This is in West Indies.

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Terrorists have already hijacked the Arab Spring and turned it into an Arab Winter; this question is four years too late. If they had wanted to prevent this, the demonstrators and protesters needed to create political outreach organizations and civil society groups that can effectively compete with the Islamist political outreach organizations.

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It is needed to cause the ions to seperate.

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Conflict will move the story forward.

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In the first few years of the Civil War, the question of slavery's abolition was, indeed, a hotly debated topic. To declare the abolition of slavery could, some reasoned, threaten the foundation of the Union by pushing the secessionists into even more fearsome defiance than what had already been shown. What was critically necessary, advocates of abolition realized, was a military victory that would give the North the needed momentum by which to make an emancipation proclamation with full confidence.

Why did the southern states hate the abolition movement?

Because the institution of slavery was at risk. If slaves were taken away, they wouldn't have the free labor they needed to run their plantations.

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They were able to sell their products to both sides. The different countries needed the materials in order to stay in the conflict.

How did the conflict in Europe help the American shipping Industry's prosper?

They were able to sell their products to both sides. The different countries needed the materials in order to stay in the conflict.