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when the fetus kicks

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Q: When does the fetus respond to light and sound?
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How do fish respond to stimuli of sound and light?

yes they respond very well

Do tendrils respond to light touch or sound?

touch ( sound isn't one, it's light, touch and gravity)

What type of stimulus is more important causing action potential give reasons?

It depends on the neuron. Some neurons respond better to a pressure stimulus or temperature, light, sound ect. For example the neurons in the retina of the eye, they respond to photons of light, but do not respond to pressure or sound.

Why do sound comes first while switching on tv?

That has nothing to do with the speed of light or sound but depends on which parts of the TV are fired up first and how quickly they respond.

What can contribute to receptor specificity?

The transduction of energy for receptor response depends on the energy being captured. In English, Eyes respond to light, Ears respond to sound.

What is meant by sensor?

A sensor is a device that is used to measure something and record it. It can measure heat, sound, light, frequency, or motion and respond to it.

How does plant respond to light?

Usually plants respond to light by turning toward it.

How do earthworms respond to darkness?

Earthworms do not respond to darkness per say, but they do respond to light. although they do not have eyes, they are light sesitive.

How old is the fetus when it gains the ability to hear sound?

18 weeks into pregnancy :)

The sensory receptors specialized to respond to light energy are?

Sensory receptors are a type of sensory nerve. The sensory receptors that are specialized to respond to light energy are called stimuli.

How does the eye respond to light rays to manifest long sightedness?

how does the eye respond to light rays to manifest far sightedness

Where in the body are nervous receptors which respond to sound?

In your ears :)