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Everyone has a different opinion on this. Some people consider a fetus to be a baby from the moment of conception. Others consider the fetus to be a baby roughly 10 days after conception at implantation, where the fertilised egg implants in the lining of the womb. Other consider the fetus to be a baby at around 6 weeks, when there is a visible heart beat. Some consider the fetus to be a baby at around 16 weeks when you can start to feel the first movements. Others don't consider the fetus to be a baby until the abortion time limit has passed, so around 20-24 weeks. Some only consider the fetus to be a baby once he or she is born.

All of the above information is correct but leaves out one crucial medical fact. Which is that of the stages of Human Development. So, in terms of human development an embryo is not a fetus, like a fetus is not a baby, like a baby is not a toddler, like a toddler is not a young adult... etc. Basically if you find the definition of Embryo it is: a developing human from conception to 8 weeks. The definition of Fetus is: a developing human from 8 weeks to birth. Then you enter the neonate, infant, toddler, play age...etc.etc. stages. Those are the Stages Of Human Development. So... when Pro-choice advocates say, "it's not a baby!" They actually are correct. And when Anti-abortion advocates say, "you are killing a developing human being" They are actually correct as well. The unborn humans are in their own stages of human development. And, the fetus is not a baby yet... just like a baby is not a toddler yet... but all humans are in their own stages of human development.

Therefore, I will add this: currently, it is legal to end the life of the developing human when they are in pre-viable developmental stages in utero.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Legally in the U.S, as soon as the child is born (removed from womb), and takes their first breath on their own.

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11y ago

when your parents decide not to abort you, because that means you are planned and ur parents want you. But either way, ur still a human being in the womb.

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