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That's good! It means you're in a really deep relationship and it will most likely last.

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Q: When he gets mad i get mad what's wrong?
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What to do if your brother gets an earing and your dad gets mad?

Stay out of it. You did nothing wrong.

If a girlfriend gets mad at her boyfriend and then he gets really mad at her for getting mad who is more wrong?

well the only reason the girl would get mad in the frist place was cause the boyfriend did something wrong, a girl dosent just get mad for no reason. Some thing has to be bothering her obivously.

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you should ask him whats wrong or try to start a normal convo like nothing happened it happens all the time for me grr i hate it

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she is mad at you. just go up to the girl and ask her whats wrong

How do you help your friend get her friend back?

Go ask the person who's mad at your friend whats wrong. Try to get them to go in one room and conflict them. See what's wrong.

What do you do what your best friend gets mad at you over a little thing?

closure... that means you should talk about it and try to figure out where you or your friend went wrong. that's how my friend and i made up then, we began dating. (he's a guy and I'm a girl)

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Because the one who's cheating doesn't recognize that what they're doing is wrong and then gets mad at their partner. It's called being a hypocrite.

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your mom gets zeus mad...

Why does dad hit us?

bc he gets mad He gets mad.

What should you do if your boyfriend is mad at you cause you asked him what was wrong?

He isn't mad at you, he's probably mad at whatever is wrong with him.

What is Neptune mad out of?

it is mad when it gets exploed