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At twelve weeks the emryo is then called a fetus because of the process of organogenesis, which is the process of organ formation. The brian has developed by this point but will not develop further until much later in the pregnancy. The heart has usually started to beat by this point as well. at 10 weeks

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8y ago
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12y ago

Well, The foetus is considered viable ( which means it could survive on its own if for some reason the mother gave birth early etc) at 24 weeks, hence why at the moment the abortion limit in the UK is 24 weeks, u can not have an abortion after this point, so most midwives, dr's etc would say around 24 weeks, hope this helps!

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7y ago

This is something people often argue about. So for someone who is pro life for instance a embryo/fetus would be a person, while from a pro choice view the woman would be considered a person more than the embryo/fetus since she is the one who is sentient and capable of feeling which the embryo/fetus is not until birth.

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7y ago

The question as to when a human person begins is a philosophical question and can not be answered by science.
But as far as science goes: upon fertilization, parts of human beings have actually been transformed into something very different from what they were before; they have been changed into a single, whole human being. During the process of fertilization, the sperm and the oocyte cease to exist as such, and a new human being is produced. A human zygote is a human being. It is nota "potential" or a "possible" human being.

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12y ago

when it is born and separated from the placenta

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7y ago

Medically it's considered a baby from week 38 or when they are born so that is one version. They are embryonic or fetal tissue first.

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11y ago

fetus is the just previous stage before the baby coomes out from the uteres.

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8y ago

after 2 months

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9y ago

When it is in the womb

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13y ago

8 weeks

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Q: An embryo becomes a fetus after how many weeks of development?
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An embryo becomes a fetus after?

10 weeks.

What an embryo becomes after growing in the uterus for 11 weeks?

A fetus.

Use fetus and embryo in the same sentence?

The development of a fertilized egg starts out as an embryo though after 8 weeks it is legally considered a fetus.

Human embryos develop for about how long?

Human embryos typically develop for approximately 8 weeks before they are considered to have reached the fetal stage of development.

What is the embryo called after 8 weeks?

For the first 8 weeks the developing human is called an embryo after that it is called a fetus.

Why is the growth of the embryo different from the growth of the fetus?

Once the zygote becomes an embryo it starts developing all of its organs, nervous system etc. then after 8 weeks of development everything is there so it becomes a fetus, and the fetus just grows bigger.

How many weeks embryo become a fetus?

In humans, the embryo becomes the fetus at the beginning of the 11th week in gestational age (the 9th week after fertilization). This stage starts when the major structures have formed.

An embryo at 8 weeks is called?


What is the relationship between fetus and embryo?

The embryo is the first stage of a baby's life then after 12 weeks it is called a fetus.

Death of an embryo or fetus in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is called?

The death of an embryo or fetus in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is called a spontaneous abortion.

How is the growth of the embryo different from that of the fetus?

The difference between a embryo and a fetus is that the fetus is a fully developed embryo and a embryo takes up to 8 weeks to develop into a fetus An embryo is a fertilized egg that turns into a fetus at 8 weeks.An Embryo is the very early stages of development after the egg being fertilised by a sperm and is categorised up until 8 weeks.A Foetus is described as an embryo that has passed through the very early stages of development and is categorised as from 8 weeks up until 23 weeks or further.

What is a term used to describe an embryo 8 weeks after fertilization?

Well, it seems like after the 8th week it's called a fetus, but before it's just an embryo.