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Israel has a number of issues as concerns giving up control of the West Bank. This list a non-exhaustive set of reasons.

1) Strategic Physical Defense Issues: If Israel were to withdraw out of the West Bank, the area around the city of Herzliyya would be only 8 miles wide. If this area was breached by an attacking Arab army, Israel could be cleaved in two (Galilee and Central Regions) in only fifteen minutes and would greatly threaten Israeli viability.

2) Strategic Air Defense: The Judean Highlands, which make up the lower half of the West Bank are some of the tallest mountains/hills in Israel. As a result, they have a large number of radar towers used to maintain vigilance over all of Israeli airspace. Without a highland position, of which there are few in 1949-Israel, such a sensor array would be ineffective at scanning Israeli airspace.

3) Palestinian Militants: Even though Salam Fayyad has done an incredible job of reducing the amount of Palestinian Extremists operating in the West Bank, there still remain a number of Terrorist organizations in the territory. A withdrawal from the territory would not only embolden them, but make communications, meetings, and other dealings easier for them. The Palestinian Police cannot control the territory alone at this point.

4) Israeli Settlements: Israel has 121 settlements with nearly 350,000 inhabitants in the West Bank. (This does not count for internal redistribution in Jerusalem). Many of these settlements are firmly entrenched both in the minds of their occupants and in terms of their building structures (such as government offices, universities, highways, and other markers of long-term settlement). Removing these settlements would be one of the most difficult things for Israel to do militarily-speaking and politically-speaking (as a number of political parties actively support West Bank settlement).

5) Jerusalem: Jerusalem has a lot of significance to Jews and both Eastern Jerusalem and the Old City of Jerusalem are considered part of the West Bank. The idea of a unified Jerusalem is considered very special to a great number of Israelis and control of the Old City is seen as the only practical way to make sure that Jews can access the holy sites there. (Under Jordanian occupation, Jews could not go to their holy sites.)

6) Non-Jerusalem Holy Sites: The West Bank (by sheer accident of history) happens to be where much of Ancient Israel used to exist. Therefore, a number of Biblical cities with an Israelite past, like Hebron, Jericho, Bethlehem, Shchem (Nablus), and others, are in the West Bank. There are numerous holy sites in those places as well as the historical past buried in them. Many Israelis do not want to lose access to those places as well.

7) Religious Zionism: There are numerous political parties (and the Israelis they represent) who believe that Zionism refers to Divine Mandate to create a State in all lands controlled by the Israelites. Since the Israelites controlled the West Bank (and it was the center of their Kingdom), the West Bank is necessarily, in their view, part of any Jewish State.

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12y ago

In The Bible, the Israelites were promised the land of Canaan, which was much larger than it is today. Because Ha'Shem gave the land to them, they have the rights to it.

I personally believe this. Many people have differing beliefs. However, the Holy Qur'an says G-d gave Israel to the Jews.

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8y ago

Israel fought and shed blood to gain the West Bank as part of a counteroffensive against the Jordanian Army in the Arab-Israeli War of 1967 (Six Day War), they were not just awarded or gifted to Israel. After the war, Israeli occupation of the territories taken in that war was legitimated subject to future peace treaties according to UNSC Resolution 242. One of the key advantages of retaining the new territories, was that Israel gained a fundamental shift in Middle Eastern policy. It would now be negotiating with Arab countries from a position of strength, being able to return tracts of Arab land to the Arab States for peace as opposed to merely just asking for peace. This is the main reason that Egypt and Jordan eventually were willing to sue for peace even though no other Arab country has done so.

The West Bank, in particular, is also very special to religious Israeli Jews since numerous Jewish holy sites (and most of Ancient Israel) is in the West Bank or East Jerusalem, which are both considered Occupied Territories. These include the Western Wall in Jerusalem and the entire Old City, the Cave of the Ramban, the "City of David", David's Burial Ground at Mount Zion, the Tomb of Samuel just north of Jerusalem, the city of Hebron and the nearby the Cave of Machpelah, Joseph's Tomb in Nablus, the tombs of Pinehas and the Elders of the Great Assembly at Awarta, and Rachel's tomb outside of Bethlehem. The Palestinians under Israeli occupation currently deface many of these sites and attack Jews who seek to pray at them. Jordanians actively forbid Jews from visiting these places when they controlled the West Bank in 1949-1967. The Ottomans were not great protectors of the region either. Many Jews are worried that if the Palestinians gain full autonomy, they will prevent Jews from visiting and praying at their holy sites, especially the Western Wall, since Jordanian rulers have done similarly in history.

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11y ago

Israel took control of the West Bank during the 1967 war.

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Where is Israel under Palestine's control?

Yes, Palestine was a country. When Israel was created in 1948, the land was occupied by the British and before that the Turkish Empire. When the UN created Israel after the Holocaust they wanted to split the land in half. Half as Palestine and half as Israel. Arabs did not like the idea. As the British retreated from Israel all the neighboring Arab countries tried to take over Israel. A war ensued and as the Jewish people pushed back their Arab neighbors they declared the land Israel. Palestinians today who live in the West Bank were Jordanian before the war, but never went back to live Jordan, because they want to stay in their home country. The West Bank and Gaza both are Palestinian and are still in Israel, but are run by their own Palestinian governments. Palestinians are determined to get THEIR land back.___________________________________________________________ Palestine has been semi-autonomous (the Palestinian Authority) since renouncing war on Israel in the 1990's. As stated above, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza now govern themselves, but they are not an independent country. They are still technically part of Israel. A study of history will show that this land has had many rulers before the Israelis, the Brits, and the Turks. But as the Arabs say"our land will be back".

What country did israel take the west bank from in 1967?

Before World War I, the area ka the West Bank was considered a part of the province of Syria within the Ottoman Empire. In 1920, by the decisions of the victorious Allies, the area became ka the British Mandate of Palestine. After World War II, the area was captured during the Arab-Israeli War of 1948, and annexed by Jordan. Jordan maintained rule over the area until 1967, even though Jordanian claims found no major international recognition other than by the United Kingdom. Israelcaptured the West Bank during the Six-Day War of June 1967. But Jordan made no official relinquishment of claims to the land until 1988.

When did the Ottoman Empire take control of Israel?

The Ottoman Empire conquered the territory that currently composes Israel from the Mamluks in 1517 and lost it 1919.

What two regions did Israel take over that made palestinians set up camps in other Arab countries?

The question conflates two different events.Expulsion/Flight: In the Jewish-Arab Engagement of 1947-9, around 720,000 Palestinians fled the nascent state of Israel and built refugee camps in other Arab countries. However, while this war expanded on the area provided to Israel by the UNGA Resolution 181 (II), the additional areas are not designated as unique regions.Taking of Two Regions: In the Six Day War of 1967, Israel conquered several regions which included the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. These are two regions associated with Palestinians. Nobody really fled from Gaza, but 300,000 Palestinians fled from West Bank into Jordan. However, most of these refugees either joined the camps that already existed from 1949 or they (illegally) integrated into the normal Jordanian population, but with severely limited rights.

Why is Israel taking Palestinian land?

Answer 1Israel does not take anyone´s land.Answer 2It depends on how the term "Palestinian Land" is understood. There are two competing definitions for this term and based on each definition there is a different answer.1) All lands of the Mandate for Palestine: Israel is occupying the majority of these lands because it has the legal, historical, and political to do so. According to UN Resolution 181, a Jewish State could be formed out of part of the British Mandate for Palestine. Since the territory was controlled by the British at that time who had willfully ceded jurisdiction to the United Nations and the vote passed at 2/3, this UN Resolution has legal effect. As much as the Arab Nations may not like it or approve of it, International Law remains law.2) Parts of the West Bank: The creation of the British Mandate for Palestine did not erase many of the older Ottoman Laws, nor did it change the actual ownership of property in the various areas of the Mandate. As a result, there were large areas of Palestinian territory that had no villages and whose owners lived in other countries. Several Israeli Settlements in the West Bank, such as Ariel, were built on lands in the West Bank that had not been occupied or used by the Palestinian Arabs at all. There are also numerous Palestinian cities with historic Jewish sites such as Hebron, Nablus (Shchem in Hebrew), etc. where Jews wish to be in order to be closer to their ancestors. The Settlers believe that they have the right to live closer to the various holy sites in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. For many of them, this is part of why God allowed Israel to conquer the West Bank in the first place. They want to raise their children and build a life near where Jewish civilization actually began, in the hills of Judea and Samaria which form the West Bank.

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Why did the Israelis allow the Palestinians to take control over the Gaza Strip and the West Bank territory in 1994?

They thought this would solve the peace problem but I hope you can clearly see they REALLY regret it. In Gaza Hamas has launched 10,000 rockets, mortars and grads since and in the west bank, it is a lot more quieter there but still anti-Israel. Israel is starting to take over the west bank which is great news for them and the west bank is also controlled by israel now.HintI am against killing civilians or even terrifying them. However, compare the number of Israelis killed by these 10000 rockets(a number that counts on the one hand fingers) by the number of Palestinians killed by the Israelis (a number that counts by hundreds if not thousands in addition to those in Jails).

Where is Israel under Palestine's control?

Yes, Palestine was a country. When Israel was created in 1948, the land was occupied by the British and before that the Turkish Empire. When the UN created Israel after the Holocaust they wanted to split the land in half. Half as Palestine and half as Israel. Arabs did not like the idea. As the British retreated from Israel all the neighboring Arab countries tried to take over Israel. A war ensued and as the Jewish people pushed back their Arab neighbors they declared the land Israel. Palestinians today who live in the West Bank were Jordanian before the war, but never went back to live Jordan, because they want to stay in their home country. The West Bank and Gaza both are Palestinian and are still in Israel, but are run by their own Palestinian governments. Palestinians are determined to get THEIR land back.___________________________________________________________ Palestine has been semi-autonomous (the Palestinian Authority) since renouncing war on Israel in the 1990's. As stated above, the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza now govern themselves, but they are not an independent country. They are still technically part of Israel. A study of history will show that this land has had many rulers before the Israelis, the Brits, and the Turks. But as the Arabs say"our land will be back".

Which three areas are occupied by Israel?

Although this is heavily disputed, the areas most often disputed are The West Bank, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. The West Bank was previously Transjordan, or sometimes referred to as Cisjordan. The Gaza Strip was captured in the 1967 Six Day War and remained Israeli when Egyptian officials did not want to take control over it as part of the 1979 Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty. The Golan Heights were captured from Syria during the same war.

What are militant Palestinians?

Well that can refer to many things but that would be Palestinians that usually live in areas affected by Israel such as the territories of Gaza and the West Bank and these people take up arms against their enemies, whoever that might be.

Did palestine take control of israel in 1979?

No. Palestine did not even declare independence until 1988.

In which war did Israel take control of the old city of Jerusalem?

The Six Day War of 1967.

What countries are beside Israel?

Jerusalem is divided by the 1949 ceasefire lines between Israel and Jordan. Since Jordan has relegated its former West Bank territory to the State of Palestine, Jerusalem abuts both sovereign and recognized Israeli territory and what is claimed as sovereign Palestinian territory.

Can you get from the Jordan side to the Israeli side of the dead sea?

If the question is asking whether you could take a boat from Jordan to Israel over the Dead Sea, the answer is: physically, YES, but legally NO. Israel would see this as a violation of their border and arrest you. Jordan and Israel have both determined which zones of the Dead Sea are accessible for tourists. If someone wants to go from Jordan to Israel, they will need to use one of the two approved border crossings between Jordan and Israel or the approved border crossing between Jordan and the West Bank.

Who was directed to take his family to Egypt?

An angel told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt until it was safe for them to live in Israel because the Roman Empire was in control of Israel and were illing off Jewish babies because of the prophecies of a king.

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There is a boat west of the Al-Karid bank. Take it and you will find yourself on the island.

What country did israel take the west bank from in 1967?

Before World War I, the area ka the West Bank was considered a part of the province of Syria within the Ottoman Empire. In 1920, by the decisions of the victorious Allies, the area became ka the British Mandate of Palestine. After World War II, the area was captured during the Arab-Israeli War of 1948, and annexed by Jordan. Jordan maintained rule over the area until 1967, even though Jordanian claims found no major international recognition other than by the United Kingdom. Israelcaptured the West Bank during the Six-Day War of June 1967. But Jordan made no official relinquishment of claims to the land until 1988.

In what year did the Dutch Company of the West Indies take control of trade in North America?

1625 when the Dutch West India Company was organized.