

When did Nikola Tesla event the fluorescent light?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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That was ready by 1892.

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Q: When did Nikola Tesla event the fluorescent light?
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Who is the inventor of the fluorescent light and alternating current?

Nikola Tesla.

Why did Nikola Tesla make the fluorescent light bulb?

Tesla did not make the Flourscent bulb. In 1859 Alexandre E. Becquerel did. Tesla wanted to make use of them and discussed them at length decades later. But he did not discover, or invent them.

Who created to improve the life of the light bulb?

Nikola Tesla

Is Nikola Tesla the inventor of the light bulb?

Nikola Tesla was the inventor of ac/dc current flow along with machines using electricity. He was a electric genius.

What were Nikola Tesla's accomplishments?

Radio & Basic radio encryption AC current and Phase current The Tesla Coil (Voltage step up) Lightning Generator design for Westinghouse The Fluorescent Light Design of 3 phase generators for Niagra falls Hydroelectric station

Who invented the light bulb first?

The person who invented the light bulb was Nikola Tesla look him up.

Why is Nikola Tesla important to modern energy?

Tesla came up with alternate current which is the system that light up the whole world.

How could Nikola Tesla light up light bulbs while holding them and having no electrical wires attached?

He conducted electricity wirelessly using the Tesla Coil.

Did Nikola Tesla invented the neon lights?

yes Nikola Tesla invented the first efficent light bulb for fear that the company couldnt cash up on it he never released it to the public, Thomas Edison actually took the light bulb design from Tesla, Thomas Edisons light bulb was based of Tesla's. (not insulting Thomas Edison or anything) i dont know anyone who knows when Tesla invented this light bulb cause he was paranoid dates were classified to him.

Who was the inventor of fluorescent lamps and alternating current?

Nicola Tesla invented AC for George Westinghouse. Don't know about the fluorescent lighting, but I prefer Tesla's alternating current and Thomas Edison's incandescent light bulb.

What impact did Nikola Tesla discovery have on society?

The light you use in your house, comes from alternate current which is the work of Nikola Tesla. The remote controls we use for toys or appliances comes from the work of Nikola Tesla and he contributed in varying degrees to the establishment of robotics, remote control, radar, and computer science, and to the expansion of ballistics, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics.

How did Nikola Tesla light a light-bulb with out wires attached?

He did that. He wanted everybody to receive it. In the related links below, I posted a website for you to see.