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He started working on the atomic theory in 1892. He developed the Saturnian Model in 1904.

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Q: When did Hantaro Nagaoka first start working on the atomic theory?
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How did Nagaoka contribute to the atomic theory?

He contriubuted to modern science with his model for atomic theory which he described was similar to the rings of saturn and he descibed that in his model of atomic theory. Hantaro Nagaoka was a great man and and he contributed alot of tings to modern science i cant name them all but he contributed alot of things to modern science

What did Nagaoka do and in what year?

Hantaro Nagaoka was born in Nagasaki, Japan on August 15, 1865. He went to Tokyo University and got his Bachelors degree went to later colleges such as universities of Berlin, Munich, and Vienna. Then he attended the First International Congress of Physicists in Paris in 1990. After that he started getting interested in the Atomic Theory. His interest in the atom theory led to Nagaoka wanted to disprove J.J. Thompson's theory wrong. Thompson's theory stated that opposite charges are impenetrable. He proposed a different model in which a positively charged center is surrounded by multiple revolving electrons, of Saturn and its rings. Nagaoka used Saturn's rings as a metaphor for the position and movement of electrons in the atom. In this model electrons are orbiting bodies around positivly charged nucleus that is the planet. This model was proposed in 1903. He called this model the "Saturnian"model. Nagaoka later did research in spectroscopy and other fields. In 1909, he published a paper on the inductance of solenoids. In March 1924, he described studies in which he claimed to have successfully formed a milligram of gold and some platinum from mercury. Nagaoka was granted the Order of Culture by the Japanese government in 1937. He also got rewarded for his scientific work by the Nagaoka Crater, which is a crater on the moon that is named after him.

Who discovered the three parts of the atom and when?

In 1808 John Dalton made the "atomic theory" that said a atom was one solid mass. Than in 1904 Hantaro found the proton. In 1932 James Chadwick descovered the neutron. in 1897 j.j Thomson descovered the electron .....

What experiment did Antoine Lavoisier do for his atomic theory?

Lavoisier is not known for an atomic theory.

How Do You Use The Word atomic theory in A Sentence?

when i was atomic theory i was a smart

Atomic theory invented by?

Atomic theory was founded by John Dalton. He proved this theory in 1803.

What did leucippus contribute to the atomic model or theory?

he did not develop anything regarding the 'atomic theory' for he was against that theory.

Did scientist help in development of atomic theory?

They didn't help with atomic theory, they created it.

How the first atomic theory was formed?

john dalton develop an atomic theory in 1803, based on idea of the atomic exsiting

Who is credited with the development of the the atomic theory?

John Dalton first pursued research into atomic theory. He was the first person to propose the existence of the atomic structure.

what did do in developing his theory that Democritus did not do?

He pubish is own atomic theory in 1803 developed his atomic theory by observations gathered from many experiments .

What was Moseley's atomic theory?

Moseley was the first to clear and scientifically justify in 1913 the atomic number studying X-ray spectra of chemical elements. But Moseley hadn't a personal atomic theory, he was not the discoverer of the atomic theory.