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It starts slowing down and soon will shut down

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Q: When blood glucose levels fall the liver?
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What happens to glucose and amino acids when they are absorbed into the blood stream?

After the glucose is absorbed into the blood it is taken to the liver and is either stored or distributed to cells throughout the body for energy. To provide enough energy for the body the liver regulates blood glucose levels. Example: excess glucose is converted to glycogen in the liver and is stored. Likewise, if blood sugar levels fall it is reconverted back to glucose. Not sure about amino acids :P

What hormone is released when your blood glucose levels fall too low?

Glucagon is the hormone released by the kidneys when blood sugar levels fall too low. This hormone forces the liver to break down glycogen into glucose needed by the cells.

What hormones are released when your blood glucose levels fall too low?

When blood sugar levels are low the pancreas will secrete glucagon which will stimulate the liver to breakdown glycogen (our reserve sugar supply) and stimulate gluconeogenesis which is converting fats and proteins into glucose (blood sugar).

Summarize easy explain how glucagon and insulin work together to maintain a relatively constant blood sugar level?

Glucagon is a hormone that converts glycogen stored in the liver into Glucose (Sugars). When our blood sugar level fall below normal, glucagon will convert the glycogen stored to sugar (Glucose) to ICREASE our blood sugar levels: Glucagon is used when blood sugar levels fall below normal and glucose is needed to raise the levels. Insulin is necessary for the body to convert sugar, starches into energy needed for daily usage, Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas and released into the bloodstream when glucose (Blood Sugar) levels are on the rise, When the body has a high blood sugar, Insulin in released, breaking down the glucose and LOWERING the blood sugar levels.

What is a response of the body to change in blood glucose?

A) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon B) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of glycogen C) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of epinephrine D) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of insulin

What is the typical response of the body to changes in blood glucose?

A) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon B) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of glycogen C) Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of epinephrine D) Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of insulin

Why do you feel hungry when glucose levels fall in the blood?

It is your body's way of telling you that you need to eat to raise the glucose level in the blood. Glucose is necessary for your cells and you to live.

Does glycogen meet short term or long term needs of energy?

Glycogen meets the long-term needs of energy. This is due to the fact that readily available glucose gets stored in the liver as glycogen. When blood glucose levels fall this glycogen is then converted back into glucose for energy requirements.

How does the feedback control system for insulin production work?

The control of blood glucose levels operates by what is known as a negative feedback mechanism. Here is a summary of the 2 control loops.When the blood glucose level goes upBlood sugar (glucose) rises;The pancreas detects the rise;The pancreas pumps out insulin into the blood;Insulin helps the uptake of glucose into muscles and other cells;This causes the blood glucose level to fall to its normal set point; andThe pancreas detects the fall and switches off insulin production.When the blood glucose level goes downBlood sugar (glucose) drops;The pancreas detects the drop in blood sugar;The pancreas switches on the output of glucagon into the blood;Glucagon signals the liver to break down glycogen into glucose;The liver releases glucose into the bloodstream;Blood glucose goes up to its normal set point; andThe pancreas detects the rise in blood sugar and switches off glucagon release.

Why do we feel hungry or hungrier after exercise?

During exercise the body depletes its glucose reserves and blood sugar levels fall.

Which of the following hormones is released when your blood glucose levels fall too low?

That is hormone glucogon. It is secreted by pancrease

How does the body respond to decreased blood glucose level?

When your blood glucose levels fall., it means that the sugar in your body is dropping. You need to seek medical advice because you could go into a coma for too low of blood sugar.