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Q: When bees pollinate an angiosperm flower what benefit does the plant get?
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Where is the plant reproductive system of an angiosperm?

In the flower

What is another name for a flower plant?


What is the main difference between an angiosperm and a non-angiosperm?

Angiosperm is a plant that produces flowers, non-angiosperm does not produce flower.

What is function of an angiosperm flower?

An angiosperm is a flowering plant. The flower is how the plant reproduces sexually. This allows for hybridzation and variation. Plants that reproduce by spores have less variation.

What is the name of a flower producing seed plant?

a vascular plant---------------They are called spermatophytes.

What are the function of the flower of a plant?

To attract the pollinators required to pollinate the plant.The flower is the reproductive unit of a plant.

What is the purpose of the flower on a mature plant?

The flower is the reproductive organ of angiosperm mature plants.

What can act as reproductive structures of a plant?

The flower is the reproductive structure of the angiosperm.

If the petals of a flower a absent how is the plant pollinate?

Plants have the ability to pollinate to without pedals. This is just because bees will pollinate as well as eat.

What in the flower is the bee looking for?

Pollen mate, so it can pollinate the plant

How do insects pollinate a flowering plant?

By accidentally picking up and depositing pollen as they go from flower to flower.

Is a flower a gymnosperm or angiosperm?

A flowering plant is an angiosperm. Gymnosperms are plants with "naked" seeds, like conifers (cone-bearing trees).