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The most likely fusion reaction to be exploited for power production is between deuterium and tritium, both isotopes of hydrogen. Deuterium oxide is heavy water and can be produced from any source of natural water, the technology for this is well known, and obviously there are countless tons of it in the earth's water. Tritium does not occur in nature because it has a short half life, the best way to produce it is to irradiate lithium in a nuclear reactor, so to get tritium you need a supply of lithium, but there is enough known to be sure of many years supply, if not millions of years.

A reaction entirely between deuterium atoms is also possible but theoretically it is much less attractive, requiring more energy to start it and producing less energy output than the D-T one.

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Q: When a fusion reactor for safely generating energy is developed the element that could meet Earths energy demands for millions of years is?
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When a fusion reactor for safely generating energy generating energy is developed the element that could meet earth demands for millions of years is?

The most likely fusion reaction to be exploited for power production is between deuterium and tritium, both isotopes of hydrogen. Deuterium oxide is heavy water and can be produced from any source of natural water, the technology for this is well known, and obviously there are countless tons of it in the earth's water. Tritium does not occur in nature because it has a short half life, the best way to produce it is to irradiate lithium in a nuclear reactor, so to get tritium you need a supply of lithium, but there is enough known to be sure of many years supply, if not millions of years. A reaction entirely between deuterium atoms is also possible but theoretically it is much less attractive, requiring more energy to start it and producing less energy output than the D-T one.

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