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The black plauge ended in 1352

2nd answer: While the primary outbreak of the plague was over by 1352-1353 in Europe, localized outbreaks continued for hundreds of years. Some of these, like the London plague of 1665-1666, were massive. This particular outbreak in London killed an estimated 100,000 people. Large outbreaks occurred periodically in various parts of Europe until the late 18th century.

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12y ago
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13y ago

The Black Death struck in the Crimea in 1346 and continued to spread through Europe for several years. It spread across nearly all Europe by 1351 and had pretty much run its course by 1354, but returned several times as late as the eighteenth century.

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6y ago

It began in the 1315. Update by john Ashtone, the Black Death started in 1346 somewhere in Asia, it ravaged China and India before arriving in Constantinople (Istanbul) in December 1347. It hit England in 1348, and Ireland around 1349. Soure Philip Zeigler, The Black Death, which is regarded as the standard authority on the subject.

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12y ago

Europe has been the scene of many Yersinia Pestis PANDEMICS, the Plague of Justinian (745 AD) being one of them. The Bubonic Plague (black death) that we associate with fourteenth century BLACK DEATH is from flea vectors from rats (hosts) in the form of Yersinia Pestis.

Kaffa, Ukraine 1346. It is spectulated the BLACK PLAGUE originated as the result of Tartar Biological Warfare against the Kaffa Fortress. The wiley Tatars catapulted the bodies of Plague victims into the city center which sickened the population and caused the city to fall. It is suspected that retreating Genoesse merchants packed up their wares and returned to Genoa, Italy, because the Black Death is attributed to have spead from Italy to the rest of Europe from 1347 on. Then again, it could have been Egyptian grain or Muslim spices that were shipped to Italy---who knows for sure?

Again, you have to remember the times---the dept of the DARK AGES. The greatest medical minds of Europe, the University of Paris Medical Factuty declared the Bubonic Plague was the result of the mis-allignment of the Planets (kinda the KP HMO of their day---wink!!!). The concept of Germs vrs. 'Bad Humours' (bad air) didn't come about until around 1870 with the discoveries of Pasteur and Koch so Dark Age Europeans were essentually treating themselves with 'black magic' and potions. The Black Plague was a total castrophe to Europe--European populations lost up to 60% in some cities and up to 100% in some rural villages. Everything went on hold during the Black Plague era, People, Culture, Medicine, Science, Exploration, Discovery, Colonization, Religion, Warfare, etc.

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9y ago

The Black Plague was responsible for decimating the population of Europe by about 60%. It began in the 14th century.

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14y ago

people from china carried rats on there ships and then the rats carried fleas and then rats went on the food and then people eat the food and then they die!Type your answer here...

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11y ago

Well it broke our in Britain in 1348.

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13y ago


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Q: When did the Black Plague first break out in Europe?
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When was the first black plague vaccination?

Medieval Europe.

When was the first major outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe?

The first major outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe may have been the Plague of Justinian, in 541-542. It might also have been the Black Death of 1347-1351. We not know for sure, which, if either of these, was the first because we do not know for certain that they were bubonic plague, and we do not know that some earlier plagues were not.

In what city did the black plague start?

The black plague first started in Constantinople in the 6th century. It didn't appear again until the 14th century in Europe. In the 1890s, small outbreaks hit India.

When was the plague documented?

The first recorded epidemic of the Black Death / Bubonic Plague was in Europe during the 6th Century. The disease truly became pandemic in 1328

Where did the plague first hit Medieval Europe?

Black Death spread via major trade routes. Black Death entered Crimea first.

Where from was the plague spread to Europe?

In the 1500's and 1600's, but this is not the first plague.

What kind of epidemic struck Europe during World War 1?

The Black Death. Otherwise known as the Bubonic Plague, or Oimmeddam, this plague killed anywhere from 25-200 million people in Europe.

In what city did the plague start?

The black plague first started in Constantinople in the 6th century. It didn't appear again until the 14th century in Europe. In the 1890s, small outbreaks hit India.

Which occurred 1st the crusades or the plague?

The plague is an older disease, but the first Great Plague occurred in the 14th century in Europe, long after the first crusades.

Who was the first to catch the black plague?

your mutha

Who discovered the black plague first?

thomas Jefferson

How many people died during the plague in the roman emperor and which part of the empire was hit first western or eastern?

Probably 25 million people (about one-third of all people of Europe) died form the plague. Western Europe was the first to get hit by the plague. Italian trading ships returning from ports on the Black Sea brought back one of the most devaststing disease epidemics in history.