

What word means the same as showing rainbow colours?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What word means the same as showing rainbow colours?
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In which order do the colours of the rainbow appear when you see them through a prism?

The same as in a rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

What colours are in the rainbow?

The colours in the rainbow are: Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. The rhyme to remember then is: Richard of York Gave Battle In Vain. Each word in the rhyme begins with the same letter as the colour in its place in the rainbow. e.g. Red, Richard.

What is indigo in French?

"indigo" is called the same in French. This is one of the colours of a rainbow.

Is white light monochromatic light?

No exactly the contrary, white light is made up of light of all the colours of the rainbow. And you need to take that literally. The rainbow has these colours because rain acts as a prism and breaks the white light of the sun apart in the colours it is made up of. Because monochromatic means 'of one and the same colour', white light is not monochromatic. LASER light is always monochromatic: all particles have exactly the same wavelength (colour)

How do we see different colors in a prism when it reflects?

this is called refraction. light is made up of seven different colours as seen in a rainbow. a glass prism breaks the light up into its base colours. this is the same principle a rainbow is made by only rainbow uses watere droplets to refract the light.

Why are rainbows colorful?

light from the sun is know as 'white light'. it is made up of all of the colours seen in the rainbow. when it rains, the light is split up into these different colours in the same way it would if you passed light through a glass prism. Therefore light splits up into its individual colours when it rains, and this is what a rainbow is.

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Why can you see double rainbows in the sky?

A rainbow is formed by light passing through a prism (the prism being a raindrop) and then different colours going through the prism at different speeds, light is made up of about 6 colours: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and v some colours of light are generally faster that others, red being the fastest travelling colour and violet being the slowest. This means that rainbows always have the same order of colour. A double rainbow is simply when there is two sources of light, and the second source travells through a different raindrop, causing a second rainbow.

Why the rain bow have many colors?

The light we see during the day is actually composed of the colours seen in a rainbow. Sunlight shinning through raindrops split the sunlight into rainbow colours. The raindrops act like a glass prism. The same effect can often be seen in the spray rising from a waterfall on a sunny day.

What does rainbow mean on a mood ring?

it means your feeling everything @ the same time!

What does the atmosphere have to be like for a rainbow to form?

A raindow is made when it is rainy and sunny and the same time. This is because the light rays reflect off the raindrops to make a spectrum which has the colours of the raindow in it.

Do everyone see the same rainbow?

Does everyone see the same rainbow