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Family life adjusted to the changes imposed by the industrial economy. Stable populations resulted from declining birthrates and death rates. Greater value was placed on children. Material conditions generally improved as individuals enjoyed better diets, housing, health, and leisure time. Labor movements formed and provided strength for seeking better wages and working conditions. Peasant protests declined and rural isolation diminished. Peasants learned to use market conditions to improve their lives. They developed cooperatives, specialized in cash crops, and sent children to school to learn better techniques.

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15y ago
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6y ago

The steam engine was the most important invention because of how it changed human lives. It changed their lives because; since the steam engine was built new factories were made. The steam engine offered more variety in jobs to humans. Farm workers ran to cities to find jobs in the factories, because there vegetables were not selling. The steam engine made machinery much faster to operate. Factories also used children to operate machinery, so it had a big impact on children. Children were not paid as much as adults were. They also had very risky things to do. When humans worked at factories they were also at risk. They were at risk because machinery was not one hundred percent safe. Sometimes the machine would have a default and blow up or the human would do something to put themselves at risk. Since the steam engine was made transportation for humans helped a lot. The steam engine made the train, which helped people go to city to city for less the time and much easier then walking.

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11y ago

Due to industrial revolution there was a mass production of goods due to which prices of goods decreased

but industrialization also had a negative impact on environment and caused air pollution

this had an impact on the health of the people

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13y ago

the industrial revolution began in Britain but b4 industrial revolution human labour was needed and the people used for that were slaves and where mostly taken from Africa. but after industrial revolution machines now replaced human labour and that factor also contributed to the abolishing of slave trade because it promoted legitimate trade in Africa where raw materials produced in African countries were taken from and brought to the industries in Europe and America which needed these raw materials to make their machines continue working...

Easier answer: It encouraged people to work in factories in the city.

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11y ago

The effects and implications were enormous. As large factories took over, family-run businesses were driven out and people flocked to cities to work for minimal wages in order to survive. The poor living conditions gave rise to the socialist movement which would eventually lead to communism. The extreme spike in production drove up demand for raw materials, encouraging slave labor and extensive colonization to create a market for the goods. Nations that industrialized became the most powerful in the world, often struggling with each other to claim the most colonies. More or less, the industrial revolution dramatically influenced the world in ways that can even be felt today.

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THERE'S NOTHING TO SEE.................................................................................................


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11y ago

workers were badly paid , overworked and badly treated in britains mines and factories . most people lived in very poor conditions .

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The human population started to accelerate rapidly

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a lot

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Q: How were the lives of people changed by the Industrial Revolution?
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How has the Industrial Revolution changed the world?

Industrial revolution changed our daily lives with the improvements of manufacturing, textile production and agriculture. All of these aspects put together are what formed an industrial revolution. It was max.

How did the industrail revolution change lives?

The industrial revolution changed many lives in both a positive and negative ways. Industrial capabilities allowed for mass production of products to meet the demands of the people and gave many people job opportunities. It also opened up pollution in the environment.

Did the Industrial Revolution deserve its own museum?

yes because it changed the life of many people and it also changed the way they did everything and without it our lives would be so hard. people went through a lot for the industrial revolution so yes it does deserve its own museum.:)

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Inventions of the Industrial Revolution increased the number of cultural exchanges virtually shrinking the size of the world. This made it easier to contact people.

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The wheel has changed our lives in the following ways:without wheel we could not have gone from here to therethe industrial revolution had not roseit gave us a new name "transport"MAHAK TYAGI

How has the wheel changed your lives?

The wheel has changed our lives in the following ways:without wheel we could not have gone from here to therethe industrial revolution had not roseit gave us a new name "transport"MAHAK TYAGI

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it improved the lives of countless people. this is because although i have no idea what it is, it was part of the industrial revolution and thus, i know it was important and that it changed the quality of life for numerous people all over the world.

What area did a majority of the population move to during the industrial revolution?

The industrial revolution was a large change to peoples lives. The majority of the population moved to the city during the industrial revolution.

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Melodrama became Popular during the industrial revolution because life was so hard in this period so people went to see it to get away from their lives.

How did railroads affect the lives of many people?

(They had new opportunities) Advancements in medicine during the Industrial Revolution meant more lives were saved.

How did business change during the Industrial Revolution?

the industrial revolution changed many peoples lives because the new machines began to take their hand jobs in the feilds and they had to migrate to work in factories, then also forcing the children to work in harsh conditions.

Why did the Industrial Revolution catch on quickly in the US?

The industrial revolution caught on quickly in the US because they wanted to better the lives of americans.