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The most important weapon of the mesolithic was undoubtedly the bow, though the atlatl continued in use in some areas. Hand to hand weapons included clubs and spears, and the first primitive hafted axes appear at this time.

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Q: What weapons did Neolithic people use?
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What tools and weapons did the Neolithic people use?

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What jobs did neolithic people have in the paleolithic and neolithic time period?

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Did the Neolithic age people make stone tools and weapons?

no never they made them out of stone that is the paleolithic people the neolithic people made them out of copper and bronze.........

Why did Neolithic people make there weapons out of bronze?

They didn't. Bronze Age people made weapons out of bronze. Neolithics made weapons out of stone and bone.

What did the Neolithic people use for vehicles?

Neolithic people had no vehicles; they walked everywhere.

What tools did Neolithic man use?

Many types of weapons were used in the neolithic times, for example, spears, rocks, and sometimes there hands and feet.

What did people do to start the neolithic age?

They began to grind or polish their stone weapons and implements.

How did Neolithic people make their tools?

Neolithic Age people made tools and weapons from stone, like paleolithic people. They usually carved them with flint, which is now often used as fire-starters.

What is neolithic in a sentence?

The neolithic age was the one when neolithic weapons were used. It was a part of the stone age also.

What did the middle age people use weapons for?

why did the middle ages people use weapons

What tools did Neolithic's people use?

The neolithic people used the tools such as a plow for farming and the people in mesopintamia invited the wheel for carts and the potters wheel. They also inveted the arch.