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Emperors who followed the way of Daoism(Taoism)

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What distinguishes philosophical Daoism from religious Daoism?

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Were Confucianism Daoism and Legalism officially sanctioned doctrines of Qin and Han emperors?

Yes, Confucianism and Daoism are sanctioned doctrines. According to the book it states " Confucian doctrine, carefully recorded in a book called Analects, was revived under the Han emperor's, who saw the usefulness of Confucian emphasis on political virtue and social order.

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The central belief of Daoism is in learning and practicing â??The Wayâ?? (Dao). Daoism is the ultimate truth to the universe.

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What is the daoism symbol?

The Yin Yang symbol represents daoism/ taoism

What is the doctrine of daoism?

The purpose of Daoism is the opposite of nature. For example, daoism of moving rock is rock sitting still.

How did Chinese paintings reflect daoism?

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What were the three main main Chinese philosophies of the time?

Confucianism Daoism and legalism or Buddhism if you want to be fancy.wrong, it is Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism