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He was Secretary of State, Ambassador to Great Britain and then Vice President

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Q: What were Martin van Buren's jobs during Jackson's presidency?
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During Andrew Jacksons presidency who was his predecessor?

John Quincy Adams

What issue threatened to break the US apart during jacksons presidency?

The National Bank; there were disagreements over it during Jackson's presidency.

What events occurred during Martin van Burens presidency besides the panic of 1837?

The trail of tears and the 2nd Seminole war the most bloodiest Indian war in US history also the Canadian revolution where he force nuetrality as his policy

What important change occured during Andrew Jacksons presidency?

end of spoil system

Whose policies controlled the nations money supply during most of jacksons presidency?

the union

What important change occurred during andrew jacksons presidency?

The extension of voting rights to all white males.

Which of these men were assassinated during lindon johnsons presidency?

During Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency, the following men were assassinated: John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X.

Major events during Martin van Buren's presidency?

There is the panic of 1837or the battle of new Orleans

What issue most influenced Americans political thinking during Andrew jacksons presidency?

The state of local economies was the issue that most impacted the political thinking of Americans during Jackson's presidency. Andrew Jackson was the 7th U.S. President.

What did martin van burens parents do for a living?

His father (Abraham Van Buren) owned and operated a Inn and tavern. He was a Patriot during the American Revolution, and served as a captain in the Albany County Militia's 7th Regiment.

Was there a war during Martin van Buren's presidency?

The only wars under VanBuren were wars with the American Indians,