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'Ownership' of land was not a Native idea.

Indians belonged to various tribes and bands. The Plains Indians moved across the land as the seasons progressed, hunting in the summer and moving to more protective climates in the winters.

The bands of the Pacific Northwest tended to stay closer to one spot, building long houses and these bands often hunted and fished very close to home.

The closest the Natives got to 'ownership' of land was if one tribe or band wished to acquire better hunting or fishing grounds (for instance) they might go to war with another band or tribe.

But in no way is it correct to think that ANY Native EVER thought in terms of 'ownership' of land. Land was the Earth. No one could own the land anymore than one could own the Air. You could live on lands and thank the Gods for allowing you to live on the lands, but in no way were the lands YOUR possession. That would go against the Creator... after all, the Creator created the land. So who could 'own' the land if not the Creator?

The idea of land ownership came from the European settlers and their Kings back in Europe.

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ALL of it! what do they teach you in school?

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they were their beliefs

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