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banana flavored

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Q: What was the original flavor of the twinkies cream filling?
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When Twinkies were invented in 1930 what was the original flavor of the cream filling?


Do they cook twinkies?

Yes, twinkies are little cakes. They are baked, then the cream filling is injected into the middle of each cake.

What makes twinkies so bad for you?

the cream inside the twinkies

Have Twinkies or Cheerios been around longer?

Twinkies came first in 1930 while Cheerios came around in 1941.Twinkie Flavors:Twinkies were invented on April 6, 1930. These first Twinkies were filled with banana cream.In WW2, bananas were rationed and the company was forced to use vanilla cream instead of banana. This change became popular and banana cream was only reintroduced in limited-time promotions. But in 2007, banana cream started being sold again.1988 held the release of the Fruit and Cream Twinkie which was strawberry filling mixed with the cream, but it was shortly discontinued.Strawberry Twinkies were made since the 50s and 60s.Blue Raspberry and Chocolate (Chocodile) Twinkies were both released in 2014.Cheerios Flavors:Cheerios were first introduced on May 1, 1941 as CheeriOats but the name was changed to Cheerios in 1945.Cinnamon Cheerios came in 1976Honey Nut Cheerios were released in 1979Here is a full list of Cheerios products and release dates

What happens to equillibrium price when income increases?

As Gearge Gray said the equillibrium price gets attacked by twinkies when the income increases because twinkies like the equilibberium price without it they would be like a baseball without a bat, a cat without a heart, a drug addict without drugs, in other workds DEAD.USELESS. They love there twinkies with the angelic cream filling just as the twinkies love them. LIKE us and we'll LOVE you.<3

Does the pastry Long John ever have a cream filling?

Yes, usually a cream filling.

Ice cream flavor beginning with you?

Ultimate Neapolitan is an ice cream flavor from Blue Bell. Ultimate Pecan Pie is an ice cream flavor from TCBY.

What is Snooki's favorite ice cream flavor?

Here favorite ice cream flavor is rocky road ice cream.

Which is Zachary Gordon's favorite ice cream flavor?

His favorite ice cream flavor is : Vanilla

What is Zendaya's favorite ice cream flavor?

Zendayas fav ice cream flavor is chocolate.

What is Tayor LAutner's favorite ice cream flavor?

His fav ice cream flavor is cake batter

Is there an ice cream flavor beginning with the letter d?

Yes. Ice cream - Durian Flavor, for one.