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Q: What was the leftist revolutionary rulers of Nicaragua strongly opposed by the Reagan administration?
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What Leftist position is most extreme?

Revolutionary communism.

When Congress blocked President Reagan's efforts to help opponents of the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua what happened?

Members of the Reagan Administration (Oliver North) participated in illegal activities including smuggling narcotics and selling weapons to Iran in order to finance illegal support for the Nicaraguan Contras.

What does the Zapatista Army refer to?

The Zapastista Army of National Liberation often referred to as the Zapatistas is a revolutionary leftist group based in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico.

What is a zapatista?

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation is an armed revolutionary group based in Mexico

What is the extreme leftist position?

The more rabid forms of communism are extreme left political positions. You could call an extreme leftist a revolutionary.

When was Leftist Socialist Party of Japan created?

Leftist Socialist Party of Japan was created in 1948.

When did Leftist Socialist Party of Japan end?

Leftist Socialist Party of Japan ended in 1955.

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it means leftist

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