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theree similar because there cool

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maybe this will halp

They are both Asian countries. They are both very strong economies, and export many commodities to the world.

China and Japan have almost the same written language. They also have similar forms of architecture

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Q: What was similar and different between imperial china and feudal japan?
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How are hierarchies similar between Japan and Europe?

Europe and Japan were both feudal societies. Feudal systems contain hierarchies. The hierarchies in Japan and Europe were similar: king/emperor on the top, nobles next, then knights/samurai, then merchants and craftsmen, and lastly, peasants and serfs.

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The feudal system was imposed on serfs (poor farmers) by Princes: the wealthy nobility.

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They both used the feudal system. The feudal system is a kind of culture in which the knights (in Japan, Samurai) owned most of the land and were responsible to the King (in Japan, Emperor), and basically ruled over the peasants.

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Consolidation of feudal leaders and areas. Ruling the whole of Japan was best done by delegating Imperial rulings to local warlords. One obvious advantage was a standing national army made up of many smaller regional armies. Although local warlords could amass power, it still paled to the over all power of the emperor. kapm

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The Japanese feudal system and the Hindu caste system are similar in that both?

Developed a rigid class structure.

What does not describe the relationship between nobles and vassals in the feudal system?
