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Q: What was not a consequence of the Athenian win over the Persians in the battle at Marathon?
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What was the effect did the athenian runner have on the battle of marathon?

"Nike!" The runner announced "Victory!" over the Persians at the battle of Marathon .

Who the battle of marathon was between?

The batte of Marathon was between the Athenian people or Athens and the greatest empire of that time Persia.

How did the Persian win the battle of bay of Marathon?

The Persians lost the battle. The Athenian army defeated the Persian expeditionary force.

What was the Persians army's first major defeat?

Their punitive expedition against Eretreia and Athens losing the battle of Marathon to the Athenian and Plataean armies.

Were Spartans invovled in the battle of marathon?

Yes , heavily armoured Athenian infantry were known as Hoplites who fought at the battle of Marathon against the Persians in tightly knit formations known as a phalanx .

Where did the Persians flee after 6400 men died at the battle of Marathon?

After the Battle of Marathon defeated the Persian infantry, the Athenian army ran home 26 miles over the hills back to their city to protect it from a Persian amphibious attack launched after the battle. The marathon runs today commemorate that run by 9,000 Athenian armored warriors and their 9,000 light infantry.

Why do you think the Greeks defeated the Persians in the Marathon battle?

The Persian cavalry was not available and the Athenian arboured infantry overcame the unarmoured infantry unprotected by their cavalry.

Did the Persians defeat the people when they were at Marathon?

At the battle of Marathon 490 BCE the Athenians defeated the Persians.

Why did the battle at marathon start?

The Athenian army saw an opportunity when the Persians sent their cavalry to embark on ships, and rushed down to engage the inferior Persian infantry.

How did the Persians feel on the battle of marathon?


What is surprising that the Greeks won the battle of Marathon?

Not surprising at all. The Athenian armoured infantry was superior to the Persian infantry. The Greeks attacked the Persians infantry in the absence of their cavalry.

What Olympic event comes from the victory over the Persians at the battle of marathon?

The Marathon run commemorates the run of 18,000 Athenian soldiers, who ran back the 26 miles to Athens after defeating the Persian infantry at Marathon, in order to defend the city against an attack by the Persian cavalry which was being shipped around to Athens by sea while the Athenian army was engaged at Marathon.