

What was Laura Ingall Wilder like?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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just read the little house on a prarie books

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13y ago

Spunky. Indepentant. Sweet. Clever. Kind. Caring. Rowdy at times.

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Who writes a books about Laura Ingall Wilder?

I believe it was Laura Ingalls Wilder.

How did Laura Ingall Wilder's life turn out?

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How old is Laura ingall wilder's daughter?

Rose Wilder Lane passed away in 1968.

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Rose Wilder Lane is most noted as an author.

What was Laura Ingalls Wilder's childhood like?

Laura Ingall's childhood was extremely interesting and chronicled in the children's book series "The Little House" books.

Did Laura ingall have kids?

Laura Ingalls Wilder had two children. A daughter Rose and a son, who passed away in infancy, unnamed.

Who inherited Laura Ingall's estate?

Laura Ingalls Wilder's estate passed to her heir and only surviving child, Rose Wilder Lane. Upon Rose's death, the rights to Laura's literary works passed to Roger Lea MacBride, who was Rose's chosen heir.

Did luara ingall have kids?

Yes, Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder gave birth to Rose Wilder and a short while later an anonymous son. This son, however, died soon after his birth, and Laura and Almonzo had no more children afterward.

Where did Laura ingall wilder die?

She died at Rocky Ridge Farm in Mansfield, Missouri.

What is a hobby you can do if you like Laura ingall?

u could plow on a big large field

What is Laura Ingall Wilder influence?

Laura Ingalls Wilder's influence lies in her "Little House on the Prairie" series, which offers a nostalgic look at pioneer life in America. Her books have inspired generations of readers to appreciate the challenges and joys of homesteading and the pioneer spirit. Wilder's writing continues to resonate with readers as a portrayal of determination, resourcefulness, and a simpler way of life.

Was Laura wilder marryed?

Yes her name is Laura Ingalls Wilder, because Almanzo Wilder was the one she married.Almanzo was always happy around her even if it does not sound like it.