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Cleopatra and Marc Antony were two self-centered individuals. Each one used the other for their personal gain and their personal advancement. Cleopatra needed Antony's power and Antony needed Cleopatra's money. That was the core of their alliance and relationship.

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Q: What was Cleopatra and Mark Anthony's relationship like?
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Was Cleopatra's love for mark Antony forbidden?

No, Mark Antony didnt like Cleopatra thats why he killed her,so that Mark Antony could take over her.

What was Cleopatra relationship like?

it was awsome. i should know

What was Cleopatra's relationship with mark Antony like?

there relationship had love and passion, and their relationship ended when Mark Antony committed suicide thinking that Cleopatra was dead. When Cleopatra found out, she went to her tomb and used asps to commite suicide. That's the romantic version of their story. The reality was very different: Cleopatra and Marc Antony had a political alliance. Both used the other to further their own ends and ambitions. Cleopatra used sex, money and luxury to seduce Antony into granting favors to Egypt. Antony used his power as a Roman triumvirate to amass an army for military ventures and ultimate victory over Octavian. Antony needed Cleopatra's wealth to finance his undertakings and Cleopatra needed Antony's political authority to further Egypt's (and her own) interests. The "love" story is a hyper overrating of their relationship. If you study it closely, you will see that Cleopatra only had her children with Antony after he had granted her some favor. Even her death was a self-serving event.

Who was Foxy Cleopatra's king?

mark Antony, or Julius ceaser(like the salad)

Was Cleopatra in love with Marc Antony?

Hardly. Cleopatra seduced Antony for the selfish purpose of keeping her throne and continuing her dynasty. This is not to say that she didn't like him or have good times with him, but throughout their entire relationship there was an undercurrent of greed and manipulation on Cleopatra's part.

Did the people in roman like Cleopatra as queen?

No, not at all!! the romans hated Cleopatra and often depicted her as an evil siren that lures powerful men to their fall. (aka Julius Caeser and Mark Antony)

How did Cleopatra and Julia Caesar go with their relationship?

I hope you mean Julius Caesar. Their relationship is, like all things having to do with Cleopatra, largely hyped. Yes, Caesar did go to Egypt chasing after Pompey, yes, Caesar did recall Cleopatra from exile, and yes there was a war and a physical relationship.(Caesar was a known womanizer) Modern scholars are questioning this relationship. What is in doubt is the paternity of Cleo's kid, who she called Caesarion, meaning something like "Little Caesar" . However he was called by that name only in Egypt. There is evidence that the two made an agreement in which Caesar would put Cleopatra on the throne and back her up with Roman troops, while Cleopatra would pay off the massive debt her father had run up, which was owed to Caesar. (The circumstances of this debt were due to the partnership of Caesar and Pompey who bought up the debt from the Roman money lenders). In order to insure that Cleopatra remained on the throne, Caesar and Cleo and Roman troops took a sail up the Nile as a show of force. When Caesar left Egypt, he also left troops to both protect Cleopatra (the Alexandrians were not happy with her as their queen) and to keep an eye on Cleopatra making sure that she upheld her end of their bargain. It seems as Caesar never fully trusted Cleopatra.

What was Cleopatra like when she was alive?

Cleopatra didn't let anyone stand in her way

Did society like Cleopatra?


Why did some Romans disagree with mark Antony's relationship with Cleopatra of Egypt?

Many Romans were appalled at Antony's relationship with Cleopatra. She was a foreigner, while Antony had a Roman wife. She lived a luxurious lifestyle, and at the time, Romans frowned on too luxurious a life as they thought it led to decadence. They accused Cleopatra of luring him away from Roman values, especially when Antony took to wearing the Greek style of clothing and remaining in the east while leaving his supporters to handle his affairs in Rome. Even Antony's most loyal supporters, thought Cleopatra had an evil influence on Antony.

Was Cleopatra well liked as a ruler or a person?

no one liked Cleopatra but the native Egyptians did. the Alexandrians didn't like Cleopatra at all

How did Cleopatra live?

Cleopatra, like all the Ptolemies, lived lavishly, luxuriously, and extravagantly.