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He eats animals like flies, Spiders and sparrows. He also asks for a kitten but never gets one.

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Q: What unusual thing does Renfield from Dracula eat?
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What did dracula eat?

Dracula drank blood and ate it too because he was a vampire.

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He drank blood.

Is there anything unusual about the way pandas eat?

no there is not an unusual way red panda eat

What very unusual thing do crocodiles eat?

crocodiles eat a lot of unusual things in there life time. When a crocs mouth is open and it feels something touch its teeth,touch, or anything inside the mouth its going to clamp onto it. so a croc will eat any small animal really.

Is there anything unusual or interesting about spider?

There is a lot of unusual things about spiders, but there is a lot more thing interesting about spiders because there are different kinds that like to do different things like the jumping spider it likes to eat crickects and other things so yes there are things unusual and interesting about spiders.

Is there something unusual in the way pandas eat?

They only eat bamboo.

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the fish that live close to the surface are not unusual and the fish that live in the deep ocean are unusual. the unusual and surface fish both eat different thing's don't live the same way

What unusual characteristics do pandas have?

They Eat bamboo

Can you eat the coyote in WolfQuest?

No, it would be unusual for a wolf to catch and eat a coyote