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MOST workplaces that employe employees (people work for pay) in the US must comply with OSHA standards. Certain employers are exempt- very small businesses, government agencies, such as the Army and Navy, and employers that are regulated by other agencies (such as MSHA, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, etc)

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Q: What types of workplaces have to comply with OSHA standards?
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Related questions

What is the punishment for not following OSHA standards?

Failure to comply with OSHA requirements can result in the company receiving a citation and a fine. In rare and limited cases involving death of an employee, company officers may be subject to criminal prosecution and jail time. Employees who do not comply with OSHA requirements are not punished by OSHA. But OSHA could punish the employing company for failing to enforce and ensure that OSHA standards are complied with. As a result, companies are expected to use their normal management and disciplinary process to ensure that employees comply with OSHA standards. Employees who do not comply may be counseled, suspended, have pay docked, or be demoted, transferred or fired, depending on the seriousness of the failure to comply and how often the employee has failed to comply.

Can OSHA fine employers?

Yes, OSHA can issue fines and citations to employers who do not comply wiht OSHA standards and regulations.

Where there are no specific OSHA standards and employers must comply with the OSH Acts?

General industry standard

What is the agency that inspects for safe workplaces?


What are some examples of OSHA medication standards?

OSHA does not have standards for medication.

What would happen if employer and employee fails to comply with OSHA regulations?

If an employee fails to comply with OSHA regulations properly communicated by the employer, then he or she would be subject to disciplinary action by the employer. If an employer fails to comply with OSHA regulations, the employer could be cited and fined by OSHA.

What year is the latest OSHA standards?

OSHA Standards are republished each year.

What is OSHA is a federal agency responsible for?

Promoting safe conditions in workplaces

What are the OSHA standards for aerospace engineering?

There are no OSHA standards specifically for aerospace engineering. The OSHA General Industry standards would usually apply, although some activities may come under the Construction Industry Standards..

Where can you find a list of all OSHA standards and requirements?

All OSHA standards and requirement can be seen at the OSHA web site.

How does a person usually file a workplace accident claim?

Most people can simply go to their supervisor to get that information. If any employee is part of a union, they can ask a shop steward, or some other union member for the proper paperwork. All workplaces are required by federal law to comply with OSHA standards, and all incidents need to be reported in a timely manor.

Does UK have osha standards?

The UK has occupational exposure standards but they are not OSHA standards because OSHA is a US government agency. In the UK, occupational safety and health is regulated by the Health and Safety Executive