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Actually, the flu is the disease (influenza) and the microbes are what cause the disease, not the other way around. The pathogens ("microbes") responsible for the infectious disease called influenza are viruses.

Viruses are submicroscopic-sized particles that can attach to the cells of a host person, animal, plant or bacteria (they are very small even compared to bacteria and other pathogens that are called microbes*) and replicate within the cells. This eventually destroys the cells and makes us sick until our bodies can use the immune system's processes to get rid of it.

* Not all scientists classify viruses as microbes since they are submicroscopic and are non-living organisms.

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Q: What types of microbes are caused by flu?
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The microbe that causes the swine flu (A-H1N1/09 Pandemic Swine Flu) is a virus. There are many other kinds of microbes that can cause diseases and infections, like bacteria, fungus, microscopic parasites, etc. For more information about the different types of microbes, see the related questions below.

Does influenza cause microbes?

No, it is the other way around, the microbes cause the influenza. The flu is caused by viruses. Viruses are examples of pathogens/microbes* just as bacteria are. *Some microbiologists do not consider viruses "microbes" since they are not actually living organisms and since they are sub-microscopic particles.

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Since the flu is a severe upper respiratory infection caused by a virus, antibiotics cannot affect them as viruses are not living and antibiotics only affect living microbes.

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Is Swine Flu an organism?

Yes, Swine flu is caused by a microscopic organism, a virus. The same type of microorganism also causes the common cold, Viral "stomach flu" (gastroenteritis), and the seasonal flu that comes around each year, plus many others. Viruses aren't really alive like bacteria and other types of microorganisms, but it acts alive since it can reproduce by using genetic material from the host animal's cells. See the related question below for information on the different types of microorgansims (microbes).

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They are different types of influenza viruses. Human "Swine flu" (H1N1/09) is caused by Type A viruses.

What is the name of the microbes that cause swine flu?

The initial outbreak was called the "H1N1 influenza", or "Swine Flu"

What is flu A?

That refers to Type A influenza viruses that are common with our seasonal flu. There are two flu types that humans get: Type A and Type B. The flu vaccine contains some of both types to prevent infections from them. All of the flu pandemics we have had over history have been caused by Type A flu viruses, they are typically very easily transmitted from person to person. Don't forget to get a flu shot ASAP now that it is October - the start of the Northern Hemisphere flu season.

Is mad cow disease caused by microbes?

No. They're caused by prions, which are FAR tinier than microbes.

A disease caused by a microbe?

Microbes cause many diseases, to make this even broader microbes encompass a whole range of microscopic organisms that can cause diseases. But since you asked for any old common one: the Influenza virus causes common colds and flu.

Is Mumps caused by Microbes?

Mumps is caused by a virus.