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Evidence to convict a person or persons of attempted murder could include:

A. The testimony of the person who survived the wounds created by a defendant in a hospital where the targeted person was treated.

B. Doctors treating the intended victim can testify that the wounds would have been fatal if no treatment was administered.

C. The Testimony of a co- conspirator (if there was one) who has turned "States Evidence" against the defendant.

D. The testimony of an eye witness to the attempt, a law officer being an eye witness would sure help.

E. A letter or other document written by the defendant stating that he/she planned to murder the victim.

F. A motive presented by the prosecutor as to why the murder of the ( victim) would benefit the defendant.

These are a sample of items of evidence asked by the question. There could be more types of evidence and if so I welcome an edit.

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Only enough probable cause to believe that they were the one responsible.

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Q: What evidence is needed to charge someone with attempted murder?
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No, simply thinking about murder does not mean it is attempted murder. Attempted murder means that someone actually tried to kill someone and was unsuccessful. There's no way to prove in court that somebody was only thinking about something, so there's no charge for it.

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Are you retarded? If the person tells the police everything when caught or you are linked to it by them and they have evidence. you're looking at accessory to murder/attempted murder,if not straight up murder.

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Difficult to answer simply. No, not in a legal sense. Attempted murder is a completely different offence. Of course the attempted murder of a child IS abuse but the charge is different, it may also be an additional charge. Being charged with child abuse is not the same as being charged with the attempted murder of a child.

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If you attempted to murder someone but didn't succeed, (went to stab someone but missed and was arrested), or if you ran someone over wanting to kill them, but they survived.

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depends on where you live. my friend knows some kid who got charged for attempted murder for shooting someone in the face

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There is no evidence to suggest that Robert Burns attempted to murder anyone. Burns was a Scottish poet and lyricist known for his literary works and contributions to Scottish culture.

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